Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tales of Vesperia and the return of this fan-favorite with the Definitive Edition! A power struggle begins in a civilization dependent on an ancient technology, the blastia, and the Empire that controls it. The fates of two friends traveling separate paths intertwine in an epic adventure that threatens the existence of all. Dive into the Definitive version of this game with updated full HD graphics, brand-new music tracks, exciting mini-games, bosses, and a collection of unreleased costume DLC! Two more playable characters join the fray! • Patty Fleur, a cheerful and tough young pirate girl in search of treasure, adventure… and her forgotten memories. • Flynn Scifo, Yuri’s best friend and an Imperial Knight, now joins the rest on their journey!
Steam User 26
Tales of Vesperia is one of the peak Tales of flagship titles, but it can't be denied that its age shows.
I consider it one of the stronger entries storywise, with its semi-environmentalist message and well-developed main and side characters. That said, anyone who has played the newer Tales of games before trying this one will have to get used to a significantly less fluid combat system and a much clunkier game overall.
I'd recommend this game to everyone who is already a fan of the series. As for everyone else, consider how much clunk you are willing to put up with for the sake of a good story, because you will need to bear with it for about 70 hours at least.
Steam User 10
- Great story.
- Great variety of characters (Yuri Lowell being my ALL TIME FAVORITE "Tales of" protagonist).
- Great soundtrack (both town AND battle themes).
- Great visuals.
- Great combat system (arguably THE BEST combat system in all "Tales of" games).
I have some gripes with the story in the last few chapters (as well as the terrible post-game extra dungeon), but overall this is one of THE BEST Tales of games I ever played. Highly recommend it!
Final Rating: 9/10.
Summary Ratings:
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Zestiria
Steam User 8
Enjoyed this game so much, I hunted down all the gigantos.
I played the old Phantasia, Symphonia, Zestiria, Berseria, and this is definitely the best out of the bunch,
truly worthy of its reputation.
The story is as usual kinda convoluted, but the characters more than made up for the story.
The bond of the group is the strongest I have seen in the Tales games i have played.
The battle system is just nice, not so hard, not overly complex as later games like Zestiria and Berseria.
Music is kinda lacking compared to other JRPGs.
Some boss fights have surprising difficulty spike, but you can easily lower the difficulty.
Overall, this game is a must play if you like JRPGs.
Steam User 10
Definitely a fun game, but it has some major weak spots, and I really don't understand why so many people claim this is the best in the series. Most characters were really good, combat pretty fun, ending was unsatisfying. (7/10)
Steam User 9
Pretty good overall although it feels grindy. The plot and the way everything is presented is weird. So it feels long and somewhat tedious.
Runs great on Steam Deck.
Steam User 9
I LOVE THIS GAME. This is was my first Tale series game I've played and fell in love on the Xbox360. it has some noticeable issues but the goods was so good that it stopped mattering to me
Steam User 5
I've played almost all of the games in the Tales of Series except for the ones that came out on PS3 and Handhelds (I didn't have them).
Tales of Vesperia is one of the titles that are within top 5.
I went immediately to New Game+ after finishing my first run, it was that fun~