TAISHO x ALICE epilogue
DUALICE(TAISHO x ALICE epilogue) is a fairytale visual novel in which YOU must save your Prince Charming!
The game is fully voiced in Japanese (excluding the main character).
As you progress through the story, you will be asked to make choices at key points that will lead you to different endings. You will take on the role of the fairytale heroine in order to rehabilitate your chosen love interest and guide him to his “happily ever after”!
*The Epilogue features one love interest: Alice.
*It is recommended to play “TAISHO x ALICE episode 1-3” before playing this game.
*”TAISHO x ALICE epilogue” can be played as a standalone game.
[Content Warning]
Please be advised that this game deals with mature themes including mental illness, violence, depictions of blood, and mild sexual language.
ONCE UPON A TIME, you find yourself lost within a world of utter darkness.
Your memories are gone; even your name is a mystery.
But just when the bitter loneliness threatens to break your spirit, you meet a blond-haired, blue-eyed young man who promptly christens you “Arisu.” The more questions you ask him, however, the more apparent it becomes that he has NO intention of helping you!
“You want to know who I am? Then let’s see you try and CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!”
And so a desperate chase down the rabbit hole unfolds!
CINDERELLA — Daisuke Hirakawa
RED RIDING HOOD — Tomoaki Maeno
KAGUYA — Toshiki Masuda
GRETEL — Takuya Eguchi
SNOW WHITE — Syouta Aoi
WIZARD — Wataru Hatano
ALICE — Yoshitugu Matsuoka
WOLF — Natsuki Hanae
HUNTSMAN — Tomohisa Hashizume
MOTHER — Yu Shimamura
Steam User 0
Brings the story full circle. A lot of repeat info from the previous episodes but for the most part done in an interesting way. The actual epilogue doesn't feel too repetitive. The other side of the story is just a lot of the background info already read in the epilogue but in the MC's POV.
Steam User 0
I cried. I really did. This is a wonderful, well written game. I reccommend not to skip any routes, as they all tie together in the epilogue. Honestly, it's crazy how they gave hints back to the first episode HAHA. I honestly loved the resolution, and hope ill be able to play the fandisk! My only complain is it feels as we didn't get enough moments with Alice, But I'll take it!
The lovegift of a fairytale, huh?
Steam User 0
Oh man, the story is just really good.
I can't explain how much I want to erase my memory of playing it and restart the whole thing again.
I love how they tie everything at the end.
I aspire to be as bold as Yurika
Steam User 2
This is where we finally get under the skin of the character who appears in every single route, but is almost always locked inside his room :)
Alice/ Alistair Is the most well written character i have EVER been blessed to see in an otome game. And this is no exageration.
I have no words! He has so much depth to him.
When i first started playing Episode 1 i wasn't too sure if i even would even want to buy this episode, because a whole episode about him? The tsundere character who always yells at you every chance he gets like what could be so interesting about him? I thought.
But oh my godness here i am sitting with my eyes wet and just so in awe of what i witnessed.
The love story between Alice and Yurika is some of the most beautiful thing i have witnessed in any otome.
If you liked the other episodes please please~ Get this one.
I will definitely get the fandisc later to show my appreciation.
Thank you Primula for this masterpiece. <3
Steam User 0
I love this game, BUT I have complaints.
Those complaints are regarding how much they repeat themselves in the epilogue, like I understand that every character needs to be brought up to speed but MY GOD, it happened even when that wasn't the case; it dragged on for way too long. I already KNEW what was going on and I was waiting... WAITING FOR THE SOLUTION AKA ENDING with a lack of patience at that point. My brain is absolutely fried after the epilogue.
"Wait... We are going in circles." YES! THANK YOU, RED!
You come into this series thinking it's a regular dating SIM but ALAS, it isn't--And I can appreciate that. Howbeit, I was really looking forward to Alice's route this whole time, but it didn't involve much of "him" if that makes sense...
Anyways, if you are wanting to read a VN that has you doing mental gymnastics, this is the one for you.
Also I'm guilty, I like the worst epilogue more! Just call me Yurika Arisu, after all!
P.S. Wizard, you the real one, my man.
Steam User 0
first of all handsome men dont deserve to suffer at all especially when they are blond and also wizard deserve better.. anyway this was good and i dont regret having bought it, there are so many instances throughout the episodes where i say it was worth my money
Steam User 0
Yurika really says "I can fix him" and actually did.
I love it. It's such a nice conclusion.