System Shock Remake
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System Shockは、1994年に大ヒットを記録したオリジナル版『System Shock(システムショック)』のフルリメイク作品です。カルト的な人気を博したゲーム性と最新のHD画質を組み合わせ、操作性とインターフェースの向上およびサウンド・音楽を一新。ゲーム史に名を残す悪役の一人であるSHODANのオリジナル版ボイスも登場します。数々の後発作品に影響を及ぼした、ゲーム史上最高傑作の一つの再誕を体験しましょう。
- 狂気と化した悪のAIの軍勢に立ち向かえ
- スキルを高め、敵に応じた戦略を練ろう
- 自分の好きなペースで、自由度の高いストーリーを探索しよう
- サイバースペースに潜入してシステムをハックし、様々なルートを解放しよう
- レトロフューチャーなデザインと現代のテクノロジーを組み合わせた、革新的アートスタイル
Steam User 17
4月11日のアップデートでついに約一年越しに 日本語UIの改善が来ました それと ラスボス戦が単調でつまらないのも改善され更に神ゲーになりました
Steam User 9
対処法として画面に表示されている"BackSpace 戻る"のUIをクリックして戻れば他のログを選択できます。
Steam User 6
Steam User 3
Steam User 5
ms-dos時代の名作「system shock」を現代風にリメイクした作品。
このsystem shockリメイク版のようなゲームがこの時代に合っても良いと思える刺激的なゲームでした。
Steam User 3
Steam User 0
More people should play System Shock, not only for it's historical significance (although that cannot be overstated), but also for its depth and design. In the modern era where remakes and remasters of classic games are a dime a dozen, this one stands out. It makes the original actually playable to someone who isn't the most devout tech nerd, or blinded by nostalgia, without sacrificing the original's complexity in level layout, environmental storytelling, and of course, missions and objectives that are as clearly stated as a jar of peanut butter mixed into a blender full of cement.
In all seriousness, I have always had a softspot for immersive sim PC first person shooter games, the cyberpunk aesthetic, and survival horror, and for me it's hard to beat The original System Shock 2 in the synthesis of those elements. This updates the feel to somewhere inbetween that, Bioshock, and maybe a smidge and I mean a ~ s m i d g e ~ of Doom 2016//
Encounters still play out in the methodical and strategic manner of the original, where much of the time is spent fumbling quickly with the interface from behind cover to execute the most stylish and simultaneously resource conserving sequence of patches, weapons, and cybernetics to deal with the situation. And upon completing the sequence perfectly you manically scramble for the quicksave button to preserve this snap shot of your digital expression of pure unbridled chaos and defiance of the snide AI with a god complex.
On that note, the controls are definitely a barrier to entry. The amount of mechanics and possible conditions ends up having almost every key custom mapped to some action or another and if that's not your style then get ready to navigate a mouse interface akin to point and click adventures on robo space drugs.
Now, on the AI itself, Shodan is one of my favorite antagonists in a video game ever. Her presence throughout Citadel station, her constant berating the player, it's all just set up so masterfully to portray her as some kind of psychotic and terrifying genius with a pension for human misery. The voice and sound design of which also does not disappoint.
On that note we come to some critque. The overall sound mixing was very scattered across the board, while the game does offer thorough options for different classes of sounds, however like sounds will be mixed such that some sounds end up being wimpy and buried and others overpowering and distracting. Many guns just feel off, but the magnum just blows your head off, and at many points there was so much between combat and music that the planned story dialogue got buried and I had to rely on reading the subtitles whilst trying to not get shot, since these are not easily replayable like audio logs.
My other criticism is the final boss which has proven a phenomena online as being so universally hated as a shoddy and unfinished mark on what was otherwise a fairly satisfactory remake. I won't get into it here, but just say that I recommend to not finish it and just watch the final sequence online instead and save yourself the frustration.
That being said, I still recommend this game whole heartedly and want to see more people diving into the immersive depths that it deserves. Very few games capture such a synergy as the system shock remake and system shock 2 in the existence of multiple gameplay systems, opposed and angular to one another, yet in harmony through the lens of player agency, both as a device for its narrative, as well as a compelling gameplay loop. While this may lack the deeper RPG elements of its sequel that allows you to customize your character to your whims, instead being about managing limited resources instead of using the character as a tool for self expression, it makes for a tighter design and less linear progression which stands as a testament to games as both a technical wonder, as well as a compelling work of art. Mix that with a rich subtext of future capitalist criticism, ethical AI philosophy, and transhumanism and you've got the pinnacle of a burgeoning scene where PC games were still in their infancy and being developed both as technology, and a narrative experience. If it piques your interest, go ahead and pick this up to give some time to and I promise you wont be disappointed.