System of Souls
It is the year 2155, and life on earth has become unsustainable: the environmental situation is in a terrible condition. For the sake of survival, humans are forced to transfer their souls into a robotic body developed by the large neuro-technological company ION. After an unexpected accident, the protagonist L-064N awakes in one of the robotic bodies remembering nothing, but with the only information of being rescued by ION in a pitiful condition. Now his mind and soul are in an android body without the ability to communicate, but with technological functions far superior to those of his human body.
System of Souls is a first-person puzzle-platformer. Throughout a series of tests, L-064N will discover with Aura, an overdeveloped AI, the neurotechnology facilities of ION and the events that have led him to his current path. The story seems to be based on a simple explanation, but the player will gradually discover the feelings and experiences of other robotic beings like him which will lead to a path of doubts regarding the truth you have been told
L-064N will acquire and improve different skills as he progresses through the retrieval modules which explore different aspects of memory such as ideas, personality, or feelings. These retrieval modules will allow L-064N to explore and successfully solve the different tests simulated and implemented in his psyche by Aura. By solving these tests, the neuronal network of our protagonist will be stimulated, thus facilitating the reconstruction of his memory with the help of Aura.
Explore and discover the story of L-064N, learn about the immense wisdom of Aura through the tests, discover characters with their unique stories, struggle to overcome ION’s challenges to regain your memory, and find clues that will help you understand the enigmatic world of System of Souls while solving mind-bending puzzles!
Steam User 1
This review will be written in Catalan, because unfortunately Steam does not recognise Catalan as a language yet. But we are working to change that. If you want, you can read the review in English in our group forum:
No he finalitzat el joc i he obtingut el joc mitjançant una clau gratuïta. No me'n recordava i parlant he dit que aquest joc es mereixia un 7. El joc costa el dia d'avui uns 14 € i això fa que baixi la nota a un 6.
És un joc que no està pensat per mi, és per això que no he acabat el joc. No és un joc dolent. A més et dona una història a banda del repte de resoldre els trencaclosques. El preu i la durada del joc (2-3 hores) fa que li abaixi la nota. Si no ets molt destre com un servidor: la durada del videojoc augmenta molt. És un joc qualitat-preu-durada car. Un joc sense cap mena d'error i pensat per la gent que gaudeixin d'aquests reptes. La història és bona, de debò i té un gir que no t'esperes.
Que un joc tingui un 5 o 6 no és dolent per mi. Un joc és dolent quan està per sota del 5. En acabar, vull agrair que el joc estigui en llengua catalana.
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