Stop Online – Battle of Words
Stop Online is a multiplayer battle of words game where you compete with several players aiming to challenge them on their knowledge of words, trying to be the quickest to respond in order to achieve the highest rank. The words are in your language and you will challenge players in the same language. Languages currently supported are English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Dutch and Polish.
After entering a match, with each new round, a letter will be drawn and you must complete the columns of the themes with words that begin with the selected letter.
E.G: If the letter “A” has been drawn, you must fill a word that begins with “A” in the five proposed themes in the game.
When time is up, the responses of all the players will be compared and the results displayed on the screen.
Stop button: When filling out the minimum number of themes with right words, you can press the STOP BUTTON and so end the round for all players.
Steam User 39
15 years ago I could sit for hours at the table with my brother and sister playing this game with pen and paper.
Today I just tried this game and had as much fun as I was having 15 years ago, except this time i was playing it on computer and with strangers. I'm sure many people are familiar with this game, you choose 5 themes (country, animal, celebrity etc), the game randomly gives you a letter then you have to find words starting with this letter for each theme as quickly as possible.
What is really good about it?
- No preset theme, the host choose the 5 theme, so if he's original you don't always have to give the same answers each game.
- Quick gameplay, 10 rounds each round lasting between 1 or 2 mins (50seconds to give your answers, 50seconds to validate the answers) If someone fills all theme he can hit the STOP button and end the round, if everyone is quick enough to validate or unvalidate the answers you don't even have to wait 50 seconds.
- Players choose what is right and wrong, after the round ends you'll see the different answers without knowing who replied what and player validate or unvalidate the answers.
- Many languages, there's room for different languages (russian, italian, spanish, french, german, english etc) So once more players pick this game up there's a good chance you'll be able to play this game in your native language and not getting your butt kicked in english like i am right now.
The game is really addictive, it's simple design really fits and is appealing.
Steam User 11
At the start the game disappoints you by proudlly showing signs of Waiting For Players Sim 2017.
However, once you get some people, it gets wild and fun.
Your mind will go blank, as you will forget stuff about the themes you think you know a lot about.
Gives some little adrenaline when you try to speed type to be the one pressing STOP button.
Yes, the game might not be perfect and could use some improvements, but it still offeres enjoyable experience.
Steam User 5
Extremely fun little game for playing with friends. It is so much fun hopping on this game with some friends on Skype and challenging each other. It's a nice casual break from more involved stuff and is great for a little chill session. Plus, for £4 and endless replayability I think it is an absolute bargin. Very stable and function game, with an attractive GUI that is super easy to use. Dev is very involved online and I am very hopeful for the future of this game and any others he brings out in the future
Steam User 10
When the lobbies are flowing, this game is fantastic. It's very simple to get a hang of and the devs seem pretty responsive which is always nice!
However, the small playerbase can cause issues with game flow and while the available translations are fantastic and show that work has gone into the game, it does segregate an already tiny population.
You make your own lobby if you want, selecting the language of the lobby, the time you get to type in and the various themes (up to 5) of your room. You can also set a password here if you want a private game, you blasted hermits.
The better themes are usually the broader ones, I made the mistake after playing the game for one match and went and made a room with themes like 'Words for thank you (in any language) because I am completely oblivious to everything logical in the world.
When the game starts a random letter will be raffled and you get to input your answers starting with that letter in each of the theme boxes. You only need to enter one in each box and once you've filled all five you can hit 'stop' to force end the round, potentially netting you more points.
The screen after this allows you to unvalidate/untick any answers that don't match themes.
On the scoreboard you can see how many points you can be awarded for answers at the bottom, if you manage to get the only validated word in a category you get the most, so hitting stop can really help you steal those points ;)
Prepare to have a few games where your brain just decides to fall out the back of your head, it's like being a rabbit in headlights sometimes, all while the peppy music loops in the background. Don't listen to the music though, finding a food that begins with X is srs bidniz, we all know this.
Occasionally you'll get lobbies with great themes such as 'Names for penis' and 'Names for other flappy parts of the body', you usually encounter comedy gold in these lobbies.
While the low player count does slow things down a bit, I've been in full lobbies beforehand too and they seriously just melt your brain.
There's some issues that have been flagged up in the discussions and the devs are aware, so hopefully the population will grow as the game does :)
Steam User 8
Battle of Words is to a vocabulary test, what Quiplash is to Cards Against Humanity. That is, it's a game of solid skill and knowledge, but with concomitant room for creativity and just generally bullshitting your way to victory. Quickthinking, general knowledge, expansive vocabulary, and a good sense of humour are what's required to win this game, and even if you barely fulfil any of the listed criteria, you're still going to have an amazingly fun and often hysterical time.
Be warned, however, that the game is low on population. 3-4 player games still make for great fun, however, so don't let that deter you; especially if you have a friend tagging along.
Steam User 24
How fast can you type?
How fast can you think?
How many words can you think for seconds? or minutes?
How smart are you?
then Play this game, and challenge yourself to other people.
•think of a word that is capable for the Theme that is written.
•fill all the blank space as fast as you can.
•score the highest.
Steam User 1
Please people buy this game!!!
It seems like I am the only one who has this game. I've never seen someone online, so I've never really been able to play it, as it requires other people.
So either the devs need to add a single player gamemode, or you should all buy this so I can finally play it.