Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
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The original roast master is back! Same sick burns, same smoldering attitude, now all scaled up in stunning HD. Spyro is bringing the heat like never before in the Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy game collection. Rekindle the fire with the original three games, Spyro™ the Dragon, Spyro™ 2: Ripto’s Rage! and Spyro™: Year of the Dragon. Explore the expansive realms, re-encounter the fiery personalities and relive the adventure in fully remastered glory. Because when there’s a realm that needs saving, there’s only one dragon to call.
Steam User 28
Had so much fun with Spyro!
One of the all time favorites growing up, brought back such fond memories.
If only all remake's were done like this one.
Steam User 49
Gunnar: “Well done, Spyro! Keep up the good work and I know you'll fulfill your destiny.”
Spyro: “Destiny? I just want to kick some ...”
I didn't fancy playing Spyro back then as a kid, so I ain't one for Nostalgia on this. Spyro gameplay just seems so simple/limited and easy compared to other popular 3d platformers from that time like: Ape Escape, Bugs Bunny: Lost in time, Megaman Legends and a whole lot more and thus didn't piqued my interest.
Q: Wait! But Spyro Reignited has exactly the same simple gameplay from the classic so why like it now? what changed? Is it just the Visuals?
A: Well, I have always been a gameplay over graphics type so it is not easy for me to say this but YES! The visuals is the main reason why I liked the game. Spyro Reignited is kind of Enchanting! the colors are bringing the characters to life and it feels like the game has provided me childhood memories that ain't even there in the first place.
Handling/controls are smooth, so getting into the gaming groove felt natural. Overall, I like the game and placed it in my very short favorite list of what I like to call "Diney/Pixar cartoony platformer" style of games. I am not aware of the changes for the voice actor from the original so I can't say if its better or worse but as far as I've seen from Reignited, I would say they are really good!
Closing Remark: Magical.
Kasiya: “The enemies here can be quite frightening, but you should watch the fools.”
Spyro: “I'd rather flame the fools!”
Steam User 21
Steam deck compatibility needs to be dropped to Playable instead of Verified. When running at 60 fps (the games default setting) it will occasionally soft lock by not letting doors open or challenges complete. Reducing framerate in the performance menu does fix it, but you shouldn’t have to do that in a Verified game.
Steam User 15
My inner child is appeased.
This is a great remaster of three awesome childhood PS1 games. Every bit is very true to the original, down to the music. My favorite in the OGs and remastered is Spyro 2. It has some great levels and game mechanics, and Colossus is just gorgeous.
PS: The green gems are sneaky and harder to spot in grass but still very pretty.
Steam User 10
I’m a big 3D platformer fan, and Spyro has always been one of my favorite childhood games.
The Reignited Trilogy does a great job of capturing the essence of the originals and staying true to what made them special.
If you played the originals, you can instantly tell that the devs had a lot of passion when making this game.
The 3D platforming is a lot of fun, the game runs smoothly, and the visuals are amazing.
One issue I encountered is that the physics are tied to the FPS. You need to lock it at 60, or Spyro starts sliding around. Also, in a few parts of the first game, you have to lock the FPS to 30 to avoid getting softlocked.
Steam User 10
Spyro Reignited Trilogy perfectly recaptures the magic of the original games with stunning visuals and updated controls. Exploring colorful worlds and chasing gems feels like returning to childhood adventures. Pure nostalgic joy.
Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)
Steam User 56
For each game individually, I got all Skill Points to unlock the Art Gallery and played all the bonus levels available.
Spyro the Dragon - 120% in 7 Hours 30 Minutes.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage - 100% in 9 Hours 10 Minutes.
Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - 117% in 10 Hours 40 Minutes.
I vividly remember playing Spyro 1 as a child, and had just as much fun with it as I did back then. The upgraded graphics and engine for the Reignited Trilogy really improved the gameplay IMO.
I don't remember playing Spyro 2 as a kid, but it was just as I expected in a sequel. The addition of the character Moneybags that you would have to pay gems to unlock new abilities was an interesting choice. I could tell they added it just as a way to force the player to backtrack to levels they have already played because certain areas were not available without these abilities. It stretched the gameplay out in a way that it didn't need to be, it added MAYBE an hour of gameplay.
Spyro 3 I have very vague memories of playing, specifically playing as Agent 9, and I want to say that it was from a demo version of the game. But with that, the addition of other playable characters was a big jump for the series. Sheila the Kangaroo, Sgt. Byrd the Penguin, Bentley the Yeti, and Agent 9 the Monkey were very great characters with very cool abilities. Most of the time these characters were locked to their own levels, but the would help during the big boss fights, and I can remember one instance where Sgt. Byrd was able to fly around the main area of the level instead of Spyro. The addition of the two different challenges in the Speedway levels was a lot of fun, and added more depth to each of these levels.
I did have some minor issues with collision detection and floaty controls throughout these games, but I also played on mouse and keyboard, where the game was designed with a controller in mind. Some areas and specific challenges were very frustration, like the Yeti Boxing and Hunter's mission to shoot the Cow UFOs in Country Speedway. These did give me some trouble, but slowing down and taking my time did make these a bit more bearable. All in all, these are great games that still hold up and are still a very good time.