
  • Spacelandia Screenshot 1
  • Spacelandia Screenshot 3
  • Spacelandia Screenshot 5

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Enter the world of Spacelandia and learn about the universe through engaging adventure stories.

Spacelandia is a first person, educational, story driven game. You will be following a plot presented by a game’s characters, solving puzzles, answering questions, exploring procedurally generated galaxies and most importantly learning about the universe while having fun.

Game is split into stories, each one of them can be played independently. Every story features a different part of the cosmos. Stories can be replayed as many times as you want. During the gameplay you will gather stars by using what you’ve learned to solve given challenges.

The game just entered the Early Access program with one educational story called “Going back to home” which focuses mainly on galaxies. In this story you will travel through three of them, and solve the puzzle of finding constellations on the Earth’s night sky at the end.

ترويج مقابل 50G
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