Smeesa Street
you’re miserable. i used to be like that, too. i hated my job. my Whole life was reduced to cAring for my ill mother. i know how you feel and i’m ready to free you from the oppression of all Things mundane. i’ll help you to finally feel alive.
you’ve already Chosen happiness. but it’s a substance that can be sHared. we will share our happiness wiTh you.
tHis branching visual novEl called “smeesa street” will be an inTeresting way to spEnd time for those who enjoy Atmospheric horror storieS.
mEssage us and you’ll foRget aBout your troubles. you’ll be drowning in happiness. open the pAth to endless joy.
– pretty short run time.
– a plot with twists and turns.
– animated sCenes.
– looKing for Ways to interact with the gAme’s world? we got Riddles, puzzles, mini games.
– every Decision matterS.
– follow the uppercase characters.”
Game Discussion