S&M Lessons with the Cute Masochist Maid: I’ll teach you the secret techniques of your clan in place of your father!
This is a Low-priced practical erotic game.
- 15 separate CGs (Over 100 CGs in total!)
- 15 H-scenes
- Japanese voice acting for the main female character
- You can have the same experience as the protagonist.
- Two endings
- CG Gallery Mode
- Scene Replay Mode
“I am Yukina Kido.
I used to work as a maid for the master… At Eiji-sama’s father, Eiichiro Mishima-sama’s mansion.”
One day, a maid decidedly unsuited to the shabby apartment I live in shows up at my door.
She tells me of my father’s passing, as well as the fact that I am to inherit his estate.
However, I heard that my father had an affair when I was a baby, which led to a divorce.
Because of this, I have never seen any pictures of him.
To me, he was the man who abandoned me and my mother,
and I never wanted to see him or find out anything about him.
I have no intentions of inheriting anything from him,
so I tell her,
“… Anyway, I’m going to have to refuse.”
Then, the maid suddenly gets completely naked, and…
“Eiji-sama. Now, please, make yourself comfortable.”
Then, as I was too startled to move back, she takes aim at me
with graceful movements reminiscent of an ancient martial art, and then leaps at me.
Yukina Kido (VA: Hina Momose)
A maid under the employment of the manor of Eiji’s father, “Eiichiro Mishima.”
Skilled at her work, she completes her duties quickly and efficiently.
While she’s typically even-tempered and doesn’t let her emotions show, she changes completely when it comes time for training.
To ensure that Eiichiro’s sex slave techniques are passed down, she has considerable sexual experience.
*Before purchasing this product, we highly recommend that you play the demo [Japanese only] to check if the game works properly on your computer in your region.
*Appetite is the licensor of this game. For inquiries about the product, please contact Tensei Games.
Steam User 1
《S&M Lessons with the Cute Masochist Maid: I’ll teach you the secret techniques of your clan in place of your father!》:名字长点,但花样也不少
S&M Lessons with the Cute Masochist Maid: I’ll teach you the secret techniques of your clan in place of your father!(日文名称:可愛めMメイドさんのお仕事SMレッスン~ご一族に伝わる秘技を、先代様に代わってご伝授いたします~)这款游戏剧情不长,很快可以推完,但是本作厉害就厉害在玩法的确很多,嗯,很有一种浓缩而又精华的感觉。
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Steam User 1
本作是由Tensei Games发行的一款短篇SM题材的绅士视觉小说游戏。玩家在游戏中扮演一位普通乡镇宅男,一天正在家看电视消遣生活,一阵门铃声打破了他闲暇时光。开门之后映入眼帘的是一位短发端庄女仆,他说他的老爹是富翁,但是已经去世,叫男主回去继承家产。本来以为是骗子,但是女仆直接霸王硬上弓用身体证明了一切,但是女仆好像有SM的特殊癖好,后续也就是男主和女仆的SM故事延续。本作流程短,内置两处选项供玩家选择,不同选项会解锁不同的CG,进入不一样的结局。虽然本作的题材比较独特,但是画面上相比与其他作品感觉稍逊一筹。
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