Slender: The Arrival
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You're on your own. No one to come for you. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Slender: The Arrival is the official video game adaptation of Slender Man, re-created from Mark Hadley's original nerve-shattering sensation. Developed in collaboration with Blue Isle Studios, The Arrival features a brand new storyline, improved visuals, great replay value, and most importantly, survival horror at its best.
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Slender: The Arrival | まさかのリメイク版!都市伝説のスレンダーマンが新しくなって新たな恐怖で迫る!
A survival horror game based on urban legends, reworked/remastered with UE5 technology for its 10th anniversary. Upgraded with new image quality, and me again screaming and collecting notes. It is possible to switch between the old and new graphics quality, so it is fun to play while comparing the two. Be careful if you have a weak heart. The jumpscares are quite extreme.