Serious Sam 4
Serious Sam 4 reignites the classic FPS series in a high-powered prequel loaded with an explosive arsenal, intergalactic carnage, and perfectly timed one-liners. Humanity is under siege as the full force of Mental’s hordes spread across the world, ravaging what remains of a broken and beaten civilization. The last remaining resistance to the invasion is the Earth Defense Force led by Sam “Serious” Stone and his heavily-armed squad of misfit commandos. Croteam returns with a high-powered prequel to the Serious Sam series that scales up chaos to unprecedented levels. The classic Serious Sam formula is revamped by putting an unstoppable arsenal up against an unimaginable number of enemies that requires players to circle-strafe and backpedal-blast their way out of impossible situations.
Steam User 23
This game is 60% walking/running and 40% action.
Stunning graphics and visual effects.
Plethora of weapons and enemies.
Vast and open landscapes with stunning scenery.
Although you have these massive arenas to fight in it feels that you are running around more which can get very tedious.
Not an game that I could play for hours on end as turning monsters into red mist becomes bland.
The game only really picks up the action around chapter 10.
The one liners and jokes falls flat and was not amusing at all.
Sam is old and tired and it is time to let him rest.
Steam User 24
So, Serious Sam 1&2 were perfect. 3 was five steps in the wrong direction, and then this game is 3 back in the right direction.
- The combat is good as usual
- New enemy types (some better than others)
- New secondary fire abilities on classic weapons
- "Gadgets" such as a black hole, time slow, mini-nuke, etc.
- Arrows telling you which way to go, because this isn't a puzzle or open world game. Great choice
- Copied L4Ds homework, which makes a lot of sense for this kind of game
- Too many cutscenes (I would prefer if there were none.. at least I can skip these)
- Characters existing at all
- Characters yapping at your over the radio
Once again Croteam has made a delicious meal. In S3 they shat all over the plate afterward. However in this one they have placed the shit nicely in the corner. You can eat around it, but man I really wish it wasn't there.
7.5/10 ?
Steam User 15
A good, modern take on Serious Sam. I think this is what they wanted Serious Sam 3 to be, but it doesn't matter cause we have this now. :D
- Serious dialogue? Check
- Serious guns? Check
- Serious soundtrack? Check
- Serious monsters? Check
- Serious setpieces? Check
Steam User 9
I really love croteam since i was a little kid because i started my pc gaming career with Serious Sam.
Serious Sam 1 is still one the best arena shooters of all time but i dont know why Croteam is not focusing on making it better just like the first one. everyone knows that SS2 wasnt good as SS1 and neither SS3.
and now after finishing 4th one again i can say it was a mid game while Talos Principle 1 and even 2 are fantastic!
its not just about weakness of Serious Engine.. its about lack of Creativity.
First of all i dont know why game has turned into a joke? i mean Sam has been always funny but i think this is a little bit too much and there is no balance between being Serious and Funny!
Second problem: why there is no sense of mystery in this series anymore? cause i remember Serious Sam 1 beginning was scary as hell
Third problem: why characters are so sublime and ridiculous? their behavior and how they have been animated is not good at all
Please Croteam... give more attention to Serious Sam series when you care about Talos that much.
and last words..... Actually i liked Siberian Mayhem and i think Timelock studio has done a better job with this series after Serious Sam 3
Thank you Croteam ⠀
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Steam User 9
Barely recommended. It's the weakest of all main Serious Sam games without a doubt (below Next encounter and 2), some maps are insanely huge but there are baarely any encounters, and the ones there are, are usually lackluster and even boring. (and i played on Serious difficulty throught all of it and all secondary objectives)
There are only a few good/brilliant fights, the standout being the one in a Quarry... However, having slogged through the rest of the game to get there, and afterwards having mediocre to some good fights sprinkled throught... doesn't fully redeem it in my eyes. I am sure most of the space could've been used better (as exemplified with the quarry fight)
This is before even going into it's other problems like:
1) Having bad performance while looking just a tiny bit better than Sam 3, i had to tweak the game quite a bit to feel stable.
2) A badly paced and not so good or entertaining story (with, again, only really one/very few standout moments)
3) The latter chapters fight's with the exception of the final chapter feeling emptier/more rushed than usual
4) Some gadgets felt completely useless despite the efforts required to get some of them.
5) Some upgrades feel mandatory like the reload speed or reloading while sprinting when they could've been there by default and tuning a few fights with them in mind, and other upgrades being extremely niche/useless.
With all they got, they could've crafted many more kickass fights and a better story, but i guess being in development hell for so long made things very messy. Here's hoping the next main game comes brilliantly after all lessons learned from dev hell, and some of the experience with the Talos Principle 2.
Steam User 6
I got this game on 80% sale, which imo was worth it, otherwise I don't think it's worth it. Obviously not as good as other Serious Sam games, especially not SS:FE and SS:SE, those 2 are just masterpieces. I'd even argue it's the weakest Serious Sam game, even weaker than SS3, because there's just so many flaws with it compared to the rest, like having to rely on other characters throughout the whole game, while in other Serious Sam games you're all on your own the whole time. Lots of cringe encounters as well, which doesn't fit Serious Sam theme at all.
Missions were fine, but a couple of them (very open ones) were very disappointing, purely because you had nothing to do in such an open areas, the lack of enemies is the main issue and things to do. I do respect them implementing unique stuff in this Serious Sam though, like use of Gadgets and Skill tree, which is a cool thing and I personally don't mind it, although I've heard people not liking that as well.
But yea, I don't recommend buying this game in it's full price, just wait for another sale before you buy it, because lack of Content (unless you're playing with mods) and weak polish of the game will leave you disappointed compared to other great Serious Sam games in the franchise. If I were to rate it, I'd give it 6 out of 10, definitely the weakest Serious Sam game in my POV, but I'd still recommend playing it if you get it on sale, because this game isn't worthy of 40 euro price tag, at max 20.
That's about it. Thanks for reading!
Steam User 7
Best SS game since SE. Reading the negative reviews, it feels like a lot of people bought a Serious Sam game expecting something else. Weak point is definitely level design, as they are mostly empty streets and giant empty fields, but the combat shines here and the dual wielding mechanic adds a fresh layer of strategy for a Sam game. I also enjoyed the cheesy humour and the story and seeing how crazy it would get. If you are an actual Serious Sam fan don't skip it. But if you got bored with killing seemingly endless waves of enemies years ago this won't change that.