Secret of Mana
Originally released in 1993, "Secret of Mana" is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series. Now it's finally getting a long-awaited, full 3D remake! The game faithfully retells the beloved story while adopting modern 3D graphics and controls. It will feature a newly arranged musical score, voiced characters and new content. The adventure of Randi, Primm, and Popoi is reborn in the new "Secret of Mana"! KEY FEATURES: 3D REMASTERED GRAPHICS The world of MANA rebuilt in vivid 3D graphics. UPGRADED GAMEPLAY Exciting new interlude episodes. LOCAL CO-OP Play with your friends in three-player co-op mode! VOICED-CHARACTERS Finally hear the voices for iconic characters Randi, Primm, and Popoi along with many others! The memorable adventure of Randi, Primm and Popoi is reborn as Secret of Mana! Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series and has now undergone a much-awaited full 3D remake!
Steam User 15
The Gameplay:
This one is a mixed bag that I want to say leans more towards the positive, but certainly has some significant drawbacks. Combat Is free form but feels turn-based. There are a lot of invincibility frames which makes combat a bit of a slog if you are not significantly leveled over the encounter. Also the enemies, especially caterpillars are dodge masters which makes combat take sooo long. Finally you have to wait inbetween each melee hit, or your attacks will do no damage. All three things combined make for a pretty awful experience at times. However the use of magics and strategy will overcome this.
The Story:
The story is nothing spectacular, but it's easy to digest and gets you from point a to point b. This story was meant for children and when I experienced the little I did as a kid, it sucked me right in. It has loss which I was not expecting from this game, and even has some decent plot twists too. The two companions you get through the game keep things interesting with their banter.
The Visuals:
Whether we are talking about the SNES or this remake, both are charming with vibrant colors. The remake enhances the visuals appropriately without losing what made the game what it is. The menu UI and icons are actually very pretty and evoke the most nostalgia of SNES RPG games for that time.
The Sound:
Possibly the best part of the entire game. The soundtrack slaps, original and remastered, and synergizes with the whimsical feel of the game. Every character and npc is voice acted by a different person. Keep in mind, there's like 100+ npcs so they put in an insane level of dedication. The menu sfx and general sound of the game also tie in perfectly.
The Experience:
The main motivator of me playing this game was that I started it as a kid and never got to finish it. It is something I was excited to revisit and finally complete. I don't think I would have ever beaten it as a kid since the combat was a little more involved than I remember playing it. Though I may have had a little more patience back then I think. For today's gaming standard, this would not be an easy recommendation based on the gameplay. That said, it does have a lot of highpoints with its visuals, sound and charming characters. It is easily not for everyone, but if you are looking at this review, you likely are one of the few that it would be a good fit for.
Steam User 8
It was worth a one time playthrough since we are big fans but next time we will play the classic SNES version again which is simply a greater experience in every aspect, even the 16 bit graphics.
Steam User 10
I adored this game when I was young, and I still love it. I know there's a lot of hate for it out there, so keep in mind that this is an old game with some mechanics that just won't seem obvious if you didn't grow up with games like this. It's not gonna be for everyone, and the archaic mechanics might be difficult for some people to get past, but there's a good game here if you can get post those obstacles.
Steam User 14
Overall, this remake is decent.
But it's hard to recommend to those who have already played the original SNES title.
It's faithful to a fault. For being a "remake", they seemingly didn't embrace the opportunity to make any significant QoL changes to improve the original. Attacks still miss 80% of the time, the AI companions are dummies, hit registration is wonky.
The biggest difference is the graphics, which I think most would agree is unfortunately a downgrade. It looks like a cheap PSP title. The original game holds up much better.
There's still some of the original charm here, but I'd argue to a lesser extent. Environments aren't as vibrant, the detail is lacking, some of the sequences are cut (RIP to the cannon travel scene).
But still, it's... fine. I've had fun for a single playthrough. I just doubt I'll ever play this version again once I wrap up my current run.
Just make sure to buy it on sale. It's *definitely* not worth $40.
Steam User 4
I played and loved the original on the SNES and played through it several times and was looking forward to the remake. I had a lot of fun with the remake despite some minor flaws, but the nostalgia was very intense.
the same story, locations, weapons, level maps as in the original: This means that the game has not been artificially stretched at any point.##no quality-of-life features, like in the original: This means a lot of running back and forth, especially at the beginning (until you get the dragon, then you'll be flying back and forth a lot, which actually becomes a bit idle, especially with the Sage Lunar). One might think that the game has a “fast travel” function in the form of the cannons. In reality it is a level change. The remake has been given a minimap that consists of the bitmap overview of the original. Nostalgia bonus.
The graphics have been completely redesigned in 3D, which I think is very aesthetic and appropriate. But it could have been a little nicer, especially the camera in some places, it can happen because of the angle of view that you can't see the opponents
Original combat system: And if you don't know this from the original, you'll probably shake your head, because the ARPG title uses a combat system that's more reminiscent of turn-based games. Attacks have to recharge, the probability of a "miss" is extremely high. Enemies only accept a single hit at a time, and the follow-up hit (if) occurs after a short knockout animation. Spells activate very late, but if, for example, a healing spell kills the player while casting it, they will be revived afterwards. Admittedly, no title today is so confusing and confusing. Anyone who knows it from before can look forward to a slower pace of fighting with time for reflection. This still makes the fights unnecessarily long.
Save Points: There's a real change here - the automatic save. You just don't know when it will trigger. Because the save points in the game are very (!) far apart, you can't save everywhere, but (usually) only in cities. That used to mean: Died? Then all over again. That could have been two hours ago. Today it means: Died? Damn, do I have to replay everything? Oh no, the automatic save was triggered. Half an hour ago. Anyway.
The "love for the original" makes the game just as good as the original, but not really better. A clear recommendation for me.
Secret of Mana is Pure Love
The Opening is Love
Steam User 4
The original is one of my favorite games of all time. The remake is fairly faithful, but it was a little lazy and could have been far better than what we were given. But still, even that said, the remake is still a 7/10. And Visions of Mana is a recommended purchase as well.
Steam User 3
Pretty good remake. Controls are simple, although the menu UI with switching between characters and items feels a bit clunky at times. Combat is basic with attacking with weapons and waiting for a recharge to deal max damage and using mp to cast spells, while the plot is easy to follow and isn't full of cryptic nonsense.
It's fairly easy and only 2-3 bosses give any real challenge, but if you level up magic the whole game is a cakewalk. It gets grindy in the second half of the game, particularly the final quarter of it with collection gear and leveling weapons and magic. Fairly long game about 30ish hours but if you're grinding it'll be longer.