Save the Queen
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Save the Queen is an old-school 2D RPG in the style of The Exodus and Hymns of Resurrection.
- Exciting and fast paced storyline
- Beautiful aesthetics
- Intimidating and menacing dungeons to explore
- Mouse Support
- Quest Journal to keep track of your progress
The Skull King has risen once more, determined to transform the whole word in the likeness of his own, the Shadow Lands, he is set on bringing chaos and destruction. Waging war against him is the Princess Noomi and her fellow companions. As the last bastion against evil, it is your duty to stop the Skull King and restore the country to it’s peaceful form.
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J'ai adoré le jeu cependant, le bémol est qu'il est beaucoup trop court et que le monstre final meurt au premier coup d'épée. Je trouve génial le fait que les ennemis ne reviennent pas un coup tués. Beaucoup plus intéressant surtout dans les labyrinthes. Malgré que ce jeu soit trop court je le recommande surtout si vous pouvez l'acheter à rabais.
I loved the game though, the downside is that it is way too short and the final monster dies at the first sword stroke. I loved the fact that the enemies don't come back after being killed. Much more interesting especially in the mazes. Although this game is too short I recommend it especially if you can buy it at a discount.