Savage Resurrection
The rebirth of the classic action FPS / RTS hybrid "Savage 1" is here! Experience fast-paced combat and cunning strategic gameplay in glorious Unreal 4 environments. Engage in epic 16v16 front-line combat, or take Command to outplay and outmaneuver your team’s way to victory.
Savage is a multiplayer-only game with a competitive focus. Combat includes both melee and shooter aspects, and should challenge even seasoned gamers. Servers are currently located in the US and EU, with more planned. Players may also host their own servers, use ours, or play offline!As a member of the fearsome Beasts or crafty Humans, you must fight to:
- Secure strategic resources and positions
- Craft and expand your team’s buildings and structures
- Research and acquire new weapons and items, to gain the upper hand in combat
- Crush your opponents with mighty siege weapons, sneaky sabotage, or by strangling their economy
- Quick-match
- Practice mode with bots and AI commanders – fully offline or play with your party!
- 16v16 Standard matches, with an AI Commander
- 16v16 Advanced matches, with a human Commander
- Competitive matches with locked rosters and no team swap
- Custom matches on official dedicated servers, or hosted locally, or hosted by another player, or fully offline!
- Stats and Leaderboards
- Cosmetic Items + Steam Drops + Trading Cards
- 5 Maps
- Player hosted dedicated servers
Digital Deluxe Edition
Exclusive bonuses include:
- 3 gold weapon skins
- 3 cosmetic crate keys
- Unique in-game vanity effect
- Soundtrack
- Account icon flair
- Taunt, and Taunt Image
Our continuing development (and server hosting) is funded largely by cosmetic item purchases: there is no persistent power progression system, there are no paid upgrades or boosts. This is a competitive game: there will be no Pay2Win.
Steam User 23
Steam User 9
Steam User 2
S2 Games 又要搞死一个游戏了。。每次游戏难得做的不错了又被maliken给抛弃了。。HON可能是S2 Games做的最好的一个游戏了。。但是他们把HON卖给了竞舞台,本以为他们会好好把Strife好好做好,毕竟也是款潜力极大的MOBA结果就这么做到一半被抛弃了。。。现在这个游戏可能又要被抛弃了。。。 游戏方面还行但是比起2估计还是差一些。虽然很失望S2 Games总是让老玩家心碎,但是游戏本身是不错的,只是官方策略让人失望。所以我还是点个赞吧
Steam User 6
It is a good game nearly finish.
1. plz AU sever
2. Chinese plz
3. grat game
Steam User 7
Steam User 1
这个游戏说白了就是一个星际争霸,不过里面所有的小兵都是玩家, 一个人当管理员控制大局,其余人是小兵, 可以靠开矿或者击杀敌人挣钱, 回兵营库买个大型兵种再上死了以后,就有重新刷新成一个小兵。蛮有创意的
Steam User 0
游戏 还是不错的,玩起来有点像物竞天者,和那个游戏套路一样,不过更好玩点!