Rytmik Lite Chiptune Synthesizer
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Player for songs created by the Rytmik Ultimate community of users and shared through Rytmik Cloud.
It is FREE!
Shhh – Rytmik is on air!
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About the SoftwareRytmik Lite Chiptune Synthesizer is an ultimate tool for chiptunes and oldschool gaming music creation allowing you not only to play with wavetable synthesizer but also to create music clips or whole songs.
Rytmik allows you to share your songs with other users through the Rytmik Cloud and can also serve as a music player for songs uploaded on Rytmik Cloud with it. On top of that, users can exchange their songs and cooperate on their composing.
Once your work is complete, you can save it in WAV format to local storage.
And that’s not all!
Every instrument is a wavetable synthesizer. With the advanced effect module, you have more power to shape sounds with the ADSR envelope, vibrato, portamento, noise shaper, or digital delay. Drawable waveform synth module allows users to draw and modify their own wave and use it as a sample oscillator – with that you can use Rytmik as a sonically unique chiptune synthesizer.
Rytmik Lite with Rytmik Cloud will of course include more features and additions to the popular series to enrich your experience with playing with sounds and creating music on the go.
Key Features
- Share your songs via Rytmik Cloud
- Save and export your music in the WAV format
- A drawable waveform synth module
- Advanced effects like the ADSR Envelope, Digital Delay, Noise Shaper and more
- Almost every effect parameter can be modulated via the step sequencer
- Simple and intuitive yet powerful interface
- Rytmik is a powerful chiptune station.
Steam User 29
Updated Review:
I was too harsh in my original review. I messed with the program for more time, and found that it is much more simple to use than I thought. It took me quite a bit of time to understand however, and I'm still trying to figure things out. But, for $5, this is quite a nice little tool.
Original Review (I originally had my review say "not recommended"): Has potential, but it's got a clunky mess of a layout with no description of how to use anything. I can't tell if I'm actually able to make and place my own notes, or if I'm stuck using loops. It's all unclear. This is of course coming from someone who is not used to using intermediate music software like FruityLoops and the sort, so it may just be on me. But, it'd be nice if the program was more user friendly and intuitive, which it just isn't right now. I'm sure it'll get better with time.
Steam User 8
(original review)
This program is hard to learn. It is marketed as an easy program, but a confusing sound making section complicates any chance of making anything your own. Nice default loops though...
P.S. Also needs some video tutorials or something to get someone started in sound/music production
(new review)
Everything i sad above is a misunderstanding. (I still haven't used the loop making section though.) This thing is awesome and needs only a basic tutorial for the drag and drop interface (because someone won't understand it, it is way to simple.) This program is worth it if you don't want, dare I say it? royalty free music from random places on the internet (ugh). I would suggest this if you just want to mess around or are getting serious but just can't get that right feel of 8-16 bit.
Steam User 9
Are you planning to make music for video games? This is a perfect tool for that. The files naturally come in .wav format, so you'll probably need an audio converter like Audacity, but otherwise this tool is very useful for creating great-sounding video game music. The user interface is easy to use, there's a whole lot of enjoyable instruments to work with, and the program allows you to save the data for 999 songs: you can export as many as you want, but those 999 will be perfectly editable.
Steam User 29
The fact I could come up with two catchy chiptune battle themes within an hour is absolutely awesome. A great way to try the Rytmik Ultimate software. It's got simple placement options as well as a plethora of adjustments to make sounds your own. You can also add in notes via a virtual keyboard (which I have yet attempted to use.. Kept it simple for now.)... So far I would say it is software I look forward to using in future projects.
Steam User 4
Everyone who's ever wanted to make their own chiptune-style music but hasn't needs to get this wile it's on sale for $4, especially if they're experienced in making music. Incredibly easy-to-use interface full of pre-made, fully-editable music clips, make composition easy for novices.
And, if you are an experienced composer, this is a great tool for pumping out gritty, chiptune-style samples to use in your DAW.
Or, if you're developing a game and you want to add your own original music, but aren't a composer (yet), this might be the thing for you.
Highly recommended.
Steam User 4
Thanks for listening, Cinemax.
According to the new License Agreement things are now different. This is copied straight from their agreement.
"CINEMAX agrees that all rights, title and interest in the user-generated content, excluding the pre-existing material, shall belong to you. By creating user-generated content and uploading it to Rytmik Cloud you automatically grant CINEMAX, for a full term of copyright, a worldwide, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive, no-charge and royalty-free, unlimited right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, perform, play, distribute, sub-license, create derivative works of and otherwise exploit in any way known, including commercial exploitation, this user-generated content."
This states that your creations are yours. Fair warning, if you want to keep your music soley to yourself for personal and monetary gain, do NOT upload it to their cloud. If you keep it off of their cloud, which you do have the option to do so, then it is yours. If you upload it to their cloud then they can do with it as they please. If you look past this or just don't care then I recommend this software.
Thanks a lot for listening to your customers, Cinemax. I wish all companies would listen. :)
Below is my old review. I changed my opinion of this product based on the change in their Software License Agreement. Before, I didn't recommend this.
So far, this is the only product that I do NOT recommend because of their shady ways.
This was copied and pasted straight from the SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. This means that I can't earn money off of my work while they can legally exploit everyone's work and earn money off of YOUR songs. Until this is changed, I can NOT recommend this product. I have the right to make music that I can monetize and only allow Rytmik use if I give permission. This is a product wrapped up as a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is theft wrapped up as audio productions tool.
CINEMAX hereby grants you, for a full term of copyright, a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to install and use one (1) copy of the software solely and exclusively for your personal non-commercial use (“license”).
By creating user-generated content you automatically grant CINEMAX, for a full term of copyright, a worldwide, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive, no-charge and royalty-free, unlimited right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, perform, play, distribute, sub-license, create derivative works of and otherwise exploit in any way known, including commercial exploitation, this user-generated content.
As for the product...if you don't mind not being able to use YOUR work for own monetary gain nor do you mind a company stealing off of you LEGALLY, it's not a bad program. Besides this, I would recommend this program.
This was stated by a comment and I feel it needs to be shared.
"Techbane Feb 18 @ 5:40pm
This has been discussed, and the implications of that passage from the EULA are that, yes, you grant the parent company the rights to use, modify, distribute, and sell your original work. I don't think that's actually happened yet in its several years of various iterations, its main application insofar seems to be the video compilations they put out every now and then showcasing some of the more popular works published on the service without having to go to everybody individually and asking permission. I can certainly see why some people would be leery about that regardless.
It does NOT, however, nullify your own copyright as author of the work. You are still free to do whatever the hell you like with it yourself, including selling it. So there's that.
Techbane Feb 18 @ 7:26pm
As an addendum, afaik this only applies if you specifically use the cloud service, since they don't have any way of lifting it straight from your hard drive."
Yes, you can do whatever you want with it, including selling it and earning a profit, but personal non-commercial use say no profit. If you make something, it is copyright be you. If you copyright it, then you can do whatever you want. The agreement and law are don't seem to work together here. By saying yes to the agreement to install it, you can't monetize your own work. If this agreement changes, please let me know so I can change this review.
Thanks a lot, techbane.
Steam User 2
worth the money, im into the synthetic sounds and old school srtyles. i found it easy to use its a simple sort click and drag system. in a matter of 5 hours i have made 3 little tunes that i enjoy alot.
when payday roles around again im gonna get the ultamate and see how better it is.
the only bad thing about this is the addiction of it. I lost sleep over worrying that ill lose insperation but somehow your pretunes help me.
im reccomending to my friends