The city of afforestation, Kazamatsuri.
In this city built upon the ideal coexistence of civilization and the environment, Tennouji Kotarou spends his days with his friends, Kanbe Kotori and Yoshino Haruhiko. In this peaceful city, a tumultuous event shakes the foundations of Kazamatsuri once a year.
The Harvest Festival. Within this immense scale event, Kotarou collects all sorts of information. There are always rumors about unidentified creatures and the occult.
At the same time, mysterious happenings keep befalling Kotarou. He takes up the offer to help Senri Akane, the club president of the Occult Research Society and begins an investigation that will end up involving his fellow classmates.
To Kotarou, this created a lively and adventurous feel. To be able to spend time with this energetic and boisterous group was just right for him.
But there’s something Kotarou doesn’t know.
He has yet to learn that his adventure is connected to a journey towards the “truth” that no one else has discovered.
-Is it possible to rewrite fate? Her fate?-
First released in 2016, Rewrite+ features new content and several updates to the original Rewrite.
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Für mich persönlich eines der Besten VN's von Key und kann es zumindest sicher jedem empfehlen, welches bereits ein Fan von Key-VNs ist.
Alle 5 Routen sind auf ihre Art sehr spannend zu lesen, man kann wirklich kaum aufhören zu lesen. Mit allen Charaktere wird eine tolle Tiefe erzeugt, so dass sie meistens wirklich glaubwürdig/authentisch erscheinen. Der Zusammenhang der Routen bemerkt man spätestens bei der Moon route, welches Freigeschalten wird, sobald alle 5 Routen durchlaufen sind. Zuletzt folgt der Terra Abschnitt welches mindestens so lang ist, wie eins der 5 Main-route ist. Die Stimmung hier ist aber, in Gegensatz zur Main-route, nicht mehr ganz so locker und mehr Richtung Melancholisch.
Ich finde die Hintergrundmusik sehr gut gewählt und trägt sehr gut zur Stimmung bei. Sei es für fröhliche, lockere, witzige, emotionale oder melancholische Abschnitte. Dies gibt somit einen zusätzlich Unterhaltungswert. Ein paar der BGM-Stücke sind auch wirklich wunderschön komponiert. So, dass ich sie in meine iTunes-Playlist eingepflegt habe.
Steam User 0
EDIT: As the developer noted below the issues I mentioned seem to have been fixed. Thanks for the quick response. I unfortunately had private things come up, so I wasn't able to change my review until now. I will keep my older review in here though for reference.
Finally, this game came out. That is wonderful and I am happy. But that's it.
So let's move on to some of the things that make this game imho quite bad (from my first looks at it).
Honestly, I backed this game because I did play the original fan translation and was hyped to read this, but I am seriously disappointed in the low production quality of this game. Instead of putting out a polished game (200k kickstarter btw), we only got a half-hearted attempt that does not even come close to the good feels of the translation from 10 years ago. How can it be that back then there were people doing this for FREE in their FREE TIME, putting out more polished work than a company today that probably has access to the official tools? Is it missing experience, a cash grab, little interest in the material itself...? Maybe even missing creativity in making things look or sound better in some way or the other?
An intro movie with cropped text that cannot decide whether it wants to be centered or left-aligned with a font way too large, a translation which feels extremely clunky in some areas (imho of course. the translator tried to stay very true to the source material. This is a good thing in itself, but in consequence many passages feel forced and unnatural)...
If you (SP) want to fix the intro movie issue, I'd suggest you try to ignore text boxes rendered over video (this is what it looks like at least judging from cut off text) and just burn it into it and leave the translation blank (but thinking about it, you probably did that already, jusging from my own experience with the game engine). Anywaz, this gives you more freedom in correctly aligning stuff. It obviously worked for the OP movie, so why not redo the intro scene with a slightly smaller and more serif font while you are at it? Watch how the folks back then did it and do it better.
Maybe I remember that old fan translation just too well and don't like the new paint, but honestly, the fact that I still remember the feels and passages so clearly at some points makes me believe that it had some heart that this translation unfortunately does not which saddens me to no end.
I really want to recommend this game to anyone, but it wouldn't feel right to do so in face of these and many other obvious flaws.
People spent and will spend their money on an unpolished product here.
PS: Let's not forget that there have barely been updates on the progress throughout the kickstarter (even though SP themselves announced it). Let us not forget that this is not the first time that a game got delayed for such a long time.
I do not feel that this company is capable of putting out what the fans of these fanchises want and lost their touch with the community. It feels as if they do not care about fans of these franchises. And from what I've seen and heard from others that is unlikely to change.
I might come back to re-evaluate, but for now that is my stance at least...
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Weebs Assemble