The city of afforestation, Kazamatsuri.
In this city built upon the ideal coexistence of civilization and the environment, Tennouji Kotarou spends his days with his friends, Kanbe Kotori and Yoshino Haruhiko. In this peaceful city, a tumultuous event shakes the foundations of Kazamatsuri once a year.
The Harvest Festival. Within this immense scale event, Kotarou collects all sorts of information. There are always rumors about unidentified creatures and the occult.
At the same time, mysterious happenings keep befalling Kotarou. He takes up the offer to help Senri Akane, the club president of the Occult Research Society and begins an investigation that will end up involving his fellow classmates.
To Kotarou, this created a lively and adventurous feel. To be able to spend time with this energetic and boisterous group was just right for him.
But there’s something Kotarou doesn’t know.
He has yet to learn that his adventure is connected to a journey towards the “truth” that no one else has discovered.
-Is it possible to rewrite fate? Her fate?-
First released in 2016, Rewrite+ features new content and several updates to the original Rewrite.
Steam User 5
I first read this with an unofficial fan translation ages ago. By buying it here and now I thought I was just giving back to the people that had made part of my teenagehood a better time than it could have been - I didn't expect to actually re-read it.
But I gave it a shot and I'm hooked all over again. In my opinion this is consistently the best VA I'd ever read. It is somehow the greatest comedy and the greatest tragedy at the same time and the tragedy (for the most part) is a lot more nuanced and sophisticated than you'd expect from visual novel writing. The so-called true route is so unrelentingly melancholy that it's hard to bear, but at the same time it's brilliant. I feel like dying right after reading it would have been a good end to life. That in some ways, this will never be peaked.
I wish I were fluent enough in English to repeat all of that 10 more times in different words to properly convey how much I love this VA.
Steam User 3
"Two tsunderes in one series is too much? No! It still not enough!"
Rewrite is only long Key's Vn that I read so far that use political power as the main plot. I feel not dissapointed by it.
At first, I am expected that this will looks like standars Key VN where you enter the route and feel depressed about heroine background.
Well, this basically same, but they add another spice to make it more interesting.
If you love shounen action and overpower protagonist, than you gonna love it.
And I really love it!
Steam User 2
Have mixed feelings about this vn. Overall, would still consider this a pretty good novel and would recommend it for anyone who enjoys Key's works. The different writing styles between routes caught me off guard, and as a result I felt some routes were much better than others. The final route was pretty confusing, the overall plot/message was amazing but the delivery felt a bit lacking.
Steam User 2
Greatest visual novel ever made even with its glaring pacing problems and Lucias route being horrible.
Steam User 3
I've enjoyed almost all of Key's visual novels, but Rewrite was an unknown. I'd heard it was a departure from Clannad and Little Busters, but that was it. Now that I've finished it, here's my takeaway:
Common Route: 10/10 (classic Key)
Heroine Routes: 8/10 (hit or miss, but interesting)
Ending Routes: 6/10 (Moon was confusing, Terra tested my patience)
I'm conflicted about this game. One on hand, Rewrite's common route is one of Key's best. The character chemistry and slice-of-life comedy are outstanding and I didn't want it to end. However, I had no interest in the lore about superhumans, summoners, familiars, and secret societies, leading to long stretches of boredom.
As expected of a Key game, the music is excellent. Shinji Orito provides some great tracks, and Jun Maeda's contributions to the soundtrack were much appreciated. I only wish he'd worked on the story too.
The five heroine routes were varied but good overall. Kotori's was the best (always choose the childhood friend). Lucia's was bonkers with bioterrorism, mass murder, and the US nuking Japan. Chihaya's dragged in spots but was fun. Akane's was grim, and Shizuru's route... well, Shizuru's a good kid. I didn't dislike any of them.
The ending routes are a slog. Kagari, the main heroine, gets little screen time, dialogue, and characterization. For most of the story, she's a prop. Yet somehow Kotarou falls in love with her and betrays or kills almost everyone he meets for her sake. Supposedly it's for the sake of humanity and the planet too, but to be honest, I just stopped caring. I finished the game out of stubbornness more than anything.
Despite the disappointing ending, Rewrite's closing message was intriguing. It suggests that humans will inevitably consume resources until the earth is drained. This sounds grim, but it's delivered more as a plain statement of fact rather than a lamentation. At any rate, it was an interesting change from the usual save-the-trees sermons.
In conclusion, this is still a good visual novel despite its flaws. It's worth reading for the common route alone. I'd recommend it for Key fans and those who like stories with extensive lore. I am not one of the latter, but I am a Key fan, so take this recommendation for what it's worth.
Steam User 0
90% finding all porn mags simulator. 5% Dialog enjoyer. 5% Based Kotori Route. 10/10 game this is not a biased opinion. It is worth the money once its on sale considering I just finished my first route which has taken me over 30+ hours. The difference from the vn to the anime is outstanding I will be considering this as my favourite. Thank you Karolis.
Steam User 0
I played the original fan translation, and this felt much clearer on what was happening.
I don't like this one as much as Little Busters!, but I do like it more than Clannad. If you feel like their stories could use a bit more action, well, this one has an abundance.
Many of the girls have completely different writers, so the story feels very disjointed at points. Still, it's a very hard piece to totally comprehend at points in my opinion. I remember coming away my first time with it, pretty much feeling lost and confused. But I was able to appreciate it a lot more the second time, and I think every story made me cry.
This version ends a bit more positively than the initial release. It's based off the version of the JP Rewrite+, which also included Harvest Festa, but I doubt it's really worth playing much.
The music is also all over the place, but there are many beautiful pieces I still listen to today.
Probably my favorite part of the game, is the one that isn't consequential, and dies out after the beginning: the maps. The secret interactions and all the jokes had me in a different kind of crying. The secret ending alone makes the game worth it.
Anyways, this review is as disjointed as the game's writing can be at times. It is what it is.