An unguided, free-to-roam, seamless, VR experience, centered around product and architecture visualization.
Supports both VR and 2D modes. (renderB does NOT feature audio and is NOT a game)
– Wander about in a furnished apartment; look around and see what you might find.
– Build/unbuild the tower.
– Get to the top of the tower.
– Get inside a luxury sports car and admire the interiors or even articulate it.
– Check out the intricate details on a modern luxury watch
or just take a quiet peaceful walk in the gardens.
-Use the controllers to move/look around.
-Use the grip buttons to cycle between locales.
-Use the X/Y buttons to load/unload the building.
-Use the UI to interact with objects.
-Press the left thumbstick to crouch
-Features :
-teleport and smooth locomotion
-standing and seated play.
-height adjustment
-snap and smooth turning.
Steam User 3
renderB is a free Tech demo. It worked on my HTC Vive, Quest 3 via Steam Link, and Index system, looked ok, played soso, sounded ok. No instructions. Not much to do here. You can cycle through the rendered 3D VR maps that the devs provided. Teleport using grab buttons.
Try it, but not worth the download.
Steam User 0
Before I played renderB, I had a small pp, no friends, no gf, depression, and no life. These things havent changed, but the game is pretty good
Steam User 4
I liked this, even though I don't really know what it is. I mean, it's just a VR real estate tour sure, but the name is off. The lighting is a bit stark, but overall, it's some good environment. Far and away, this game has the most fully stocked refrigerator in all of virtual reality. renderB does NOT feature audio and is NOT a game.