Radio Station
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Radio Station is a single-player first-person game in which you have to get out of the existing situation.
Sometimes, pursuing his goals, a person doesn’t think about the consequences. Only one single thought appears in his head – to get what he wants by any means. This is exactly what happened with the main character – Henry. Having discarded all possible options, he decided to commit theft. Arriving at the place, Henry found what was needed, but the price was too high. Waking up from a severe headache, the main character finds himself in a well. What will you do now?
Be with Henry. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this world, go all the way from the beginning to the end and find out why it all happened.
Steam User 0
An interactive story that pretends to be a walking sim. But then the story is short and interesting, if you're into the Soviet nostalgia. Sadly at least for me there was a bug where I fell through the floor near the end so I didn't see it through the end.
Steam User 4
I liked the story...but wow is it short! Its more of an interactive novel than it is an adventure game so be aware of what you're actually buying.
Steam User 1
Short and simple but engaging and comfortable for those who like this type of game.
Steam User 5
a very thorough story...with great visuals.