Race The Sun
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You are a solar-powered craft. The sun is your death timer. Hurtle towards the sunset at breakneck speed in a futile race against time. Delay the inevitable by catching speed boosts which reverse the setting sun – if only for a moment. Race The Sun is inspired by arcade games of the past with a focus on high scores, short game sessions, and pure fun mingled with nerve-wracking tension. The rules are simple: don't crash, stay in the light, and don't slow down!
Steam User 2
Zrób sobie herbatę. Albo kawę. Włącz grę, przeleć kilka razy, rozbij się po drodze, wyłącz grę po piętnastu minutach. Tyle i aż tyle. Dobre, jak potrzeba dosłownie chwili relaksu.
Steam User 0