Pure Logic
Pure Logic is a puzzle game based on logic in its raw and pure form. Use your deductive reasoning skills to conquer more than 200 unique puzzles.GameplayEach puzzle consists of an array of interconnected logic gate symbols. Some of the input/output signals are initially set, some are not. The challenge is to figure out and set the remaining signals so that all symbols are satisfied.Explore and discoverNo prior knowledge of logic gates is required to start playing. The in-game training grounds let you explore the different symbols, and you’ll quickly discover and learn the basic rules.RelaxingThere are no time limits. You can enjoy solving all the puzzles at your own pace.Educational valueThe gameplay is based on real-world logic gate symbols and the Boolean functions they represent. Logic gates are the basic building blocks of digital electronics and computer hardware. Boolean functions play a crucial role in all levels of computer programming.
Steam User 9
Pure Logic is a pure logic “game”.
What is it: A game that felt a lot like homework for the “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science” course. You have a bunch of logic gates, binary operators that have two wires as inputs and one wire as output, connected as a tree, and starting with just a few established on/off wires you have to figure out all the other connections. There are 6 gates, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR. The game starts easy, with tutorials that lead you to discovering what each gate does, then simple levels with 3 gates of the same type, then combining more and more gates into bigger and bigger puzzles, up to 9x9 trees (45 gates and 55 wires!) that take a lot of time to solve.
The controls are simple, click on wires, left click to mark as On and right click for Off, click again to remove your guess, undo and restart buttons, and once all wires are marked, you can click outside the wires to confirm your selection and validate the puzzle. The game is made harder by the fact that input validation only happens at the end, any mistake you make will go unnoticed until you think you're done. And if you do have a mistake (or more) in your solution, you have to start from scratch, there is no way to edit the previous solution. Some may see that as a bad thing, but I think it’s quite fair.
The one thing I didn’t like is the unskippable animations/delays. There's a splash screen at the start, after finishing a level it takes a second for the “click to submit” text to show up and actually accept that final click, and validating a level involves slowly adding a checkmark on each node, which on large levels takes a few seconds.
Overall, a pure and simple logic game that I really enjoyed.
How hard is it: Easy to moderate, a bit of logic and a lot of patience is all it takes.
How long is it: 238 levels and 6 tutorials, for 5-10 hours of gameplay. Chapters are in a web/network arrangement, you must fully solve all prerequisites to unlock a new one, and in each chapter 3 levels are unlocked at all times.
Level design: Not much to require from this type of game, the mechanics are standard logic gates, so nothing to innovate here, and the levels are good enough. A bit of assuming/backtracking is needed sometimes, but not that much.
Quality: Good enough for such a simple game. Decent achievements and cloud saving, nice level select, progress reset, a few audio/video settings, clean and simple graphics. And when was the last time you encountered a game that fits on a floppy disk on Steam?! The only thing I missed was my impatient player settings.
Worth the price: Wait for a little discount.
Most positive aspect for me: Simple logic game.
Most negative aspect for me: Unskippable slow animations.
What would make it better:
Add an option to skip animations. More arrangements, not just trees. Random level generator and daily levels. More levels with all the gates, not just one chapter. Add a glossary with all the gates, for those that can’t remember what each shape means. Add a hint mechanism.
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Steam User 2
Great practice if you're interested in digital circuitry. After this game, you won't ever need a reference. Might be a bit of a steep learning curve if you're unfamiliar with logic gates. However, I was very familiar with logic gates and it took me a bit to catch on, so it's probably fine for everyone.
Steam User 1
I just finished completing all the puzzles. I really like this game. Some other people commented that they didn't like that you had to "guess" at certain points. No, you won't be able to solve all the puzzles later in the game with only the information they give you at the start. A couple times a puzzle, you may need to try something, and go back and change it up if it doesn't work. Finding your method to keep track of what you have done is the challenge of the game. I enjoyed the challenge!
Steam User 0
Pure Logic is fun rather than frustrating, and I like that it has a very elegant interface. I believe that the lack of info on the specific mechanics of the gates is a good feature, as it is a puzzle game and so a little mental warming up is better than simply having a clickbox to tell you what the specific gate does - it forces you to memorise rather than rely on immediate information, a skill that is largely being lost in today's search engine and instant info decadence. So I like that feature, it makes you think, warms your brain up and is more traditional to the classic past before the internet overtook everything. Looking forward to future projects or a sequel from the dev.
Steam User 1
Pretty fun, especially if you already know a little binary logic. I have no idea how the install size is only 4 megabytes.
Steam User 0
Awesome little puzzle game. Exactly what it says on the box. Just use established logic gates and turn inputs on/off to get the required result.
I have one minor complaint - the different logic gates can be a bit confusing to get used to since they all look so similar. This isn't really the fault of the developer, just kind of a note from someone that doesn't do PLC as a day job. But it's still important to note since it will definitely take most people time to remember the different gates and I can definitely see it being a reason someone puts the game down and doesn't pick it back up.
Steam User 0
Exceptional, I would totally recommend, hopefully there'll be more levels in the future (and perhaps others, more niche gates such as NIMPLY ?)