Priest vs. Poltergeist

  • Priest vs. Poltergeist Screenshot 1
  • Priest vs. Poltergeist Screenshot 3
  • Priest vs. Poltergeist Screenshot 5

Priest vs. Poltergeist is an asymmetrical local VR multiplayer game. Two players play on one PC: one is in VR as a Poltergeist, the other one plays on PC with a mouse and a keyboard as a Priest.

Explore the huge mansion as a Priest to find and destroy five Altars – sources of Poltergeist’s power. Or embrace your inner demon, become invisible, and kill the Priest before he destroyed the last Altar.

The Priest is armed with holy weapons blessed by the Pope himself. Word of the Lord is on his side. He is hardened by dozens and dozens battles with unholy creatures of all calibres. And he always wins.

The Poltergeist while doesn’t have a material body has very real powers of controlling the material objects. It is tired of living in the shadows and wants to take control of something that by the Pact for thousands of years didn’t belong to either of sides – Earth. Although he is still trapped between Hell and Earth he found a way to break into it – Priest’s blood. It is destroying Priests all over the world and invisibility and immortality are it’s allies.

Which side do you choose?

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