Postal III
Good or Insane? The choice is yours. Following the Apocalyptic end to the Postal Dude’s week in Paradise, we follow him and his insane pitbull Champ as they emigrate to its appropriately named sister city, Catharsis. Unfortunately, due to the Global Economic Meltdown, psychotic left-wing “Green” extremism and hypocritical Government corruption, it turns out Catharsis isn’t a much better place to live. What path will you choose when faced with the antics of a hypocritical scheming Mayor? A berserk cartoon mascot with Al Qaeda ties? A former Vice-President’s cadre of Eco-Zealots? How about Gay Segway “biker” gangs, and a sociopathic cult leader Uncle with nuclear ambitions? Will you give in to your base instincts and fight fire with gasoline? Or will you rise above it to become something more, to serve and protect your fellow citizens from the rampant insanity of our modern society?
Steam User 0
e 不支持Steam云存档 但游戏非常可以 善线的剧情比较好 补充: 阿凯拉复活 又一次大更新 希望p3变得越来越好
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Steam User 2
买了几年了,因为之前开发商把这游戏下架导致直接不能游玩需要什么该死的激活码和序列号,那时候去找了学习版资源玩到警察局那就没玩了,时至今日听说又重新上架了抱着试看看的心情下起来玩,发现好像是更新过优化,优化比以前好太多了,以前2070s 16g3200 i711700玩着都嘎嘎闪退卡死动不动无响应而且是越打越卡,现在我r52600 rx580 18g1333都能80针人玩久了也有60来帧 就是还是会莫名其妙的闪退无响应,可能是太吃内存了,这场景都不自动更新,满地残肢断臂不会消失不自己换地图一个场景一直玩会越来越卡
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