Plumpy Uprising

  • Plumpy Uprising Screenshot 1
  • Plumpy Uprising Screenshot 3
  • Plumpy Uprising Screenshot 5

Choose Your Elder

Choose which unique elder you will use to stop the Plumpies! Each elder has unique skills, a special tower, and passive bonuses that will change the way you play and the strategies you use to win.

Strategize as You Play

Each wave you get to choose from randomized tower upgrades. Complete an optional challenge and receive an extra upgrade. You’ll need to choose what makes sense in the moment, and decide each wave if you want to push your luck or play it safe.

Outsmart a Shifting Map

The map will move every few waves and your towers in the older part of the map will be destroyed. Choose wisely! You will get limited tower tokens, making each tower placement important.

Increase in Difficulty

Each time you beat the game, a tougher difficulty will unlock. How far can you push it?


  • Uniquely designed enemies
  • Game changing elders
  • A shifting map that keeps you thinking
  • Escalating difficulty as you beat the game
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