Pink Gum
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the GameWe invite you to live through this short artistic thought-provoking interactive experience that doesn’t need a single word.
Illusions, dreams and love will be chewed together in this too familiar tale, full of bubbles, innocence and pain…
A mouse-only story-driven game.
Headphones strongly recommended.
Between 10-20 minutes of playtime.
A Mad Cream Games production.
Directed by Agustín Pastore Burgos, with art by Inés Burgos Pía and music by Nicolás Pastore Burgos.
It is not intended for children.
Steam User 3
A short, interesting and disturbing take on life. Definitely recommend to anyone who is looking for something to make them think (and maybe have a midlife crisis.) I also really appreciate the watercolour art style.
Steam User 1
More of an artistic interactive film than a game. It was pretty good. It is a unique experience with a cool art style and a nice accompanying soundtrack.
Steam User 4
**NOTE:** This review is part of my steam curator review and is the extended version. Check my steam curator page at
This game is unique in the simplest of words. Unique. Sounds like a cliche word but theres no better way to express the mood and tone this game conveys.
The game follows the lifecycle of a baby from his first contact with the world to his death and throughout all this time there is one thing he never gave up on: bubblegum!
Chew bubblegum to create confusing and weird human like figures that will really get your head dizzy and wondering why you're still playing (just joking, despite the "..." factor its an amazing game).
The colours used are bright and soothing too say the least. Who knew that pink was so nice to look at in different shades? this is also a quick play; around 15 minutes if you take your time, 25 if you go slow to appreciate the artistic work of the game. The ending credits are also very nicely done in a way to engage with the player due to being part of the same surroundings as prior rather than as part of an additional scene.
Lastly, the questions everyone has been waiting for: Do I recommend this game?
Yes. Yes I do recommend this game. However theres some things to keep in mind: First, this game is more watching than interacting. You press a few buttons here and there but mostly it just scenes. Beautiful drawn scenes. Secondly, this is a quick game meaning its perfect to play to burn some time before leaving your house or while waiting for someone. Thirdly, at moment of writing, this game magically closes itself after playing the credits which isn't really cool. Gives off the vibe of 'okay you completed the game. Cool, now you can delete me'. Instead they should add a homescreen where the game returns you too. Taking all this into consideration, I would then say too who is interested: go on! Get yourself that game and enjoy it!
Steam User 11
Pink Gum is a very short journey through a life as told by chewing gum bubbles. I pondered how to sum this game up in a sentence, and I guess that's the best I could do. Not great, really.
I think its one of those things that no matter what I might say, you could go, hmm, sounds interesting, but when you actually see it, it will make perfect sense. Which begs the question "Why am I even writing about it then?"
Because I think Pink Gum is well worth checking out. For the small amount of time and money you spend, you get a visually appealing, thought provoking experience. I'm also pretty sure that my opinion isn't enough to persuade you, so here are some quotes about the game from famous people.
“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for Pink Gum.” – Sigmund Freud
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to play Pink Gum.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“Human happiness and Pink Gum are inseparably connected.” ― George Washington
All I can say at this point is that if a game is good enough for such luminous luminaries as these fellows, you might want to have a look. So hurry, before all of your bubbles pop too.
Steam User 0
This game is a beautiful experience, I played this at 7:32 am when i was feeling a bit down. I've never felt such a sigh of relief in my life. God bless whoever made this game, it helped my anxiety a bit.
Steam User 4
My Experience
It's difficult to review Pink Gum, due to the type of experience it is. I can't say I found it "fun" to play, but I appreciated the unique lens through which it shows the stages of life that we are all familiar with.
If you're the type of person that enjoys analyzing films (e.g. why did they use this color, or shoot from this angle?), I think you'll enjoy Pink Gum.
Steam User 0
Pink Gum is a 10 minute interactive art piece about the stages of life.
If you're interested in this sort of thing, it's definitely recommended for the asking price.