Pine is an open world action adventure simulation game. Set in the beautiful world of Albamare, you take on the role of Hue, a smart young adult who will have to explore, trade, and fight his way through a vibrant world filled with creatures much smarter than humans. As you're looking for a new home for your tribe to settle in, you'll have to engage with the large-scale ecology of Albamare. Prepare by exploring, bartering, talking, crafting and fighting in six different biomes, with and against a diverse cast of species that will not simply help you. In Pine, things will happen across the open game world even without your involvement. All organisms are alive and will try what they can to survive. You can choose to befriend a species, fight alongside them, or you may also to attack them, steal their food or force them to abandon their current habitat. All of this will make the species move across the ecological spectrum.
Steam User 12
Quick Review
"Pine" is an open world adventure game with an interesting story but with a few very rough sports that need to taken into account and that are present in every aspect of the game.
(Playthrough/Gameplay of the game)
If this quick review isn't useful to you maybe the following "extended version" could help ^^
The good
The story, the world and the characters are quite interesting and help to create a pretty original world.
The game presents, appart from the typical gameplay mechanics present in this kind of games, some interesting ideas when it comes to the puzzles you encounter and the way the factions interact with each other making the world feel alive.
The difficulty of the game escalates at a correct pace not presenting spikes troughout the entire game.
The bad
The game has A LOT of bugs and some problems related to the collisions on some parts of the maps and the way visuals work. I got stuck in between some rocks a few times while climbing the mountain and ended up dying because the game thought I was falling from a pretty high height, sometimes the game could get under the floor, sometimes vegetation would appear and disappear randomly as I was moving through the map, etc etc. Non of the bugs I have found were game breaking but it's an important thing to mention since they were at least not fun to deal with.
The story is pretty intereting but the way it ends it's just BAD, since the "The End" comes in very abruptly and kills part of the tension the game was building up until that moment.
The way the credits were shown it's really upsetting... There's kind of an epilogue, but for some reason the devs thought that it would be a good idea throwing at the player the entire credits while the text of the dialogues can be read by the player, I would have wait for the player to read the entire dialogues and then throw in the credits. It made everything even more anticlimatic...
Things that might help you decide
The game has a good duration, around 10 to 12h if you are not looking to get a 100%
Final recommendation / Price evaluation
The game it's well priced since what it offers matches quite well the pricing. If you like this kind of games you'll love this one if you get into it knowing and taking into account what I've said.
I hope this review is useful to you ^^. If you want to support me remember to check out the videos linked in the review, like and subscribe.
Have fun playing ^^
Steam User 3
The atmosphere and soundtrack are simply amazing. Pine is very immersive and the economy/politics system in the game is truly one-of-a-kind. You are but a small pawn that can, when making the right moves, influence the destiny of the whole continent. Not to even mention the story, which is fantastic and captivating, with each bit of information gathered raising new questions.
Steam User 3
Really, really fun open world, exploring, fantasy/world building focused. Also I love Hue's physical capabilities -- really makes the most of the open world.
Steam User 3
music and art is reallyyyyyyyy good, but i did not understand the tribe system glad i got this on sale
Steam User 4
I was surprised by how much I liked this game. I like exploration and story based games, however I assumed I would not like the political system between the clans. It added a special kind of life to the game as the factions independently gained and lost territory, as well how my actions and the story wove between these alliances. I think anyone who likes slowly exploring every nook and cranny of the world will enjoy this game as you will be well situated to beat the game at the end,, if you rush you won't get far! This game has beautiful music, sound and graphics with a large immersive world, interesting story, combat, puzzles, crafting and geopolitics. Excellent game!
Steam User 0
Love this game, however the only thing I can really say negatively is the puzzles... The puzzles are not too hard, the real challenge is figuring out what that puzzle even is, much less how to solve it. Gave me alot of anxiety trying to figure out what the puzzle even is.
Steam User 0
What an amazing, creative and wonderful game! Seriously, I never play "fighting" games, but this one is so much more than that. Puzzles, problem solving, hunting and gathering.... definitely worth the time and money. Well done to the developers! Wish there were more pc games like this one.