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PHOBOS is a 2D online multiplayer role-playing game, set in a medieval fantasy world.
DISCOVER the mysteries of a continent shaped by magic, steel, and blood. Solve its greatest quests and riddles, and meet its inhabitants; both the loved and the loathed.
FIGHT on your own terms; pursue the fantastical as a magician, harden yourself into a melee juggernaught, or become a deadly master of ranged combat.
EXPLORE the world of Erasan. From the plaguebearers of Korlayra, to the quagwyrms of Eastebb; Erasan is home to all manner of strange, terrifying and wonderful creatures.
STORIES bring this troubled world to life, and help to shape its future. For the gods may one day be generous and benevolent, but maddened and furious the next.
Steam User 0
Very nice alternative for who search for a nostalgic old graphics MMORPG. Would be great if it had more players.
Steam User 10