Phantom Warfare
هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟ رابط الاسترداد
جديد في الموقع؟ إنشاء حساب
هل لديك حساب بالفعل؟ تسجيل الدخول
العودة إلى تسجيل الدخول
لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.
Up to 4 Players – Plunge into chaos with up to 4 players in various cooperative and versus modes.
Classic Co-Op- Plunge into chaos with 4 players in cooperative campaign mode. 2 players play as a team compete against the other team, to see who can get the best score in 5 min, with infinite ammo and lives.
SOLO- 1V1 PVP mode. Each player choose one advanced weapon from three to compete against the other player, to see who can get the best score in 5 min, with infinite ammo and lives.
مناقشة اللعبة