Panda Roll
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With a puzzle mechanic controlling both heroes at the same time, guide Pandara and Mulatta on an adventure of challenges and friendship, to find the mighty Sun Bamboo, and cure mulatta’s mother.
An adventure between 40 levels in 5 different stages, each one with new challenges, with a storytelling by cutscenes, in this saga to find the Sun Bamboo and heal Mulatta’s mother.
- You can only move Pandara or Mulatta when they are stopped.
- They move for the same side when you move, but if someone is already moving, this movement will continue.
- You can only move Pandara or Mulatta when they are stopped.
- They move for the same side when you move, but if someone is already moving, this movement will continue.
Steam User 4
Забавная логическая головоломка сделанная в ретро стиле с сюжетом.
Язык только английский.
Управляем одновременно двумя персонажами (пандой и обезьянкой). Панда из-за веса разбивает блоки. Мартышка не может разбить блоки. Цель - получить бамбук.
-Не поддерживает джойстик.
-Отсутствие перевода (но он не обязателен)