Palette Wizard
Easily create or edit color palettes for your projects, replace colors in your images, sprites and designs.
If you’re an artist, game developer or web developer and you need to create a color palette
for your project quickly or edit one that you already have, then give this tool a try.
Palette Wizard allows you to create color palettes from scratch.
It will help you find analogous, complementary, and split-complementary colors and others with ease.
You can load any image and extract colors from it using the built-in extraction function,
then modify the palette as you wish.
Use magic pens to create color ramps with no time!
You can replace colors in the loaded image with colors created in the project and see the differences in real time.
You can also sort and organize colors using various sorting options
Supported palette formats: PAL Jasc, GPL Gimp, TXT Paint(dot)net, HEX, GML Game Maker Studio 1&2, ASE Adobe Swatch Exchange
Supported Image Formats: Loading: Png, Jpg, Jpeg Saving: Png
If you encounter any problems or have a suggestion/request, please describe them on community forum, DM me on Twitter or send me an e-mail.
- Create color ramps from two colors with ease. You can also slide all colors from ramp towards one of them using slider.
- Easy create random colors with different properties like (entirely random, randomize hue, randomize saturation, randomize value or random color which is close to current one).
- Easily create Analogous, Compliment, Split-Compliment, Triadic, Square, Tetriadic, Pentagram colors from existing ones (also works with multiple selected colors).
- Move colors as you like, select multiple and move multiple colors at once.
- Copy and paste individual colors or multiple of them. Colors are copied as HEX values so you can also copy/paste them from/to other programs.
- Duplicate colors (also works with multiple selected colors).
- Color picking by hand from loaded image or using draw picker.
- Color extraction from image. You can extract colors from any loaded image and you can set maximum colors to extract (16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512).
- You can replace colors in the loaded image with ones created in the project
- You can save images with replaced colors.
- Color pickers RGB, HSV, HSL, LAB, HCY’s, RGBs, HSVs, HSV/HSL Wheel (s means square)
- You can load palettes in the following formats: (PAL Jasc, GPL Gimp, TXT Paint(dot)net, HEX, GML Game Maker Studio 1&2), ASE Adobe Swatch Exchange
- You can save palettes in the following formats: (PAL Jasc, GPL Gimp, TXT Paint(dot)net, HEX, GML Game Maker Studio 1&2, PNG 8 px color squares), ASE Adobe Swatch Exchange
- Each menu or context menu option has its description on the bottom of the screen so you don’t need any manual.
- You can load/save project to edit it later.
- Free drawing using Magic Pen
- Color adjustment pens
- Multiple color sorting options by hue, saturation, value, lightness, chroma, luminance, red, green, blue
- Distance based color sorting by RGB*, HSV, HSL, HCY’, LAB distances
- Multiple color adjustments options
- Undo
- Color Blindness Emulation Tool (Three major disability types)
- Color Evolution Using Genetic Algorithm
- Color Evolution Using Cellular Automaton
- Magic Brush
Trailer music credits:
Stock Media provided by AZOVMUSIC / Pond5
Steam User 1
比如,我会用 Aseprite 画像素画,也会用 Affinity Designer 做一些矢量图,但这两个软件都没有很好的调色板工具。而 Palette Wizard 就可以很方便地帮助像我这样的用户做调色板。对我来说最重要的功能包括:
* 可以以少量颜色为基础,渐变生成一系列颜色。不过最强大的 link 工具居然是在右键菜单而不是 tool box 里,这很奇怪。把这个功能放进工具箱也许是个好主意?
* 导出,对我来说能导出成 GPL 和 ASE 就足以满足日常要求,并不存在其他软件无法使用导出的调色板的情况
* 批量调整颜色。有时候搞了一个调色板,看着很满意,实际一用发现颜色太暗淡或者偏色,这时候一个一个调整就太要命了。这软件可以批量调整,这很好。
* 能否对颜色的修改时使用键盘输入?用鼠标调整 HSV 的滑块还是太令人烦躁了。
我觉得这个软件很好。解决了我遇到的很大的难题。作者要不考虑考虑找个 Youtuber 宣传一下?
Steam User 0
Very fun&cool tool! Good for who struggled to pick color in drawing! Need Chinese!
Suggestion: Sometimes the highlight color is not clear.
Steam User 1
《Palette Wizard》是一款專門用來處理顏色相關功能的配色軟件,在該軟件中,用戶可以實現照片的顏色選取、某種顏色的衍生、從顏色到顏色間的平滑漸變取色等功能,介面簡潔,不過無中文確實有些功能較難理解。軟件在相關功能上確實較為便捷,但由於配色這個功能用戶適用面確實很窄,一般用戶基本都沒什麼使用的價值,對於設計等專業用戶倒確實是能起到一定的幫助。