PAGAN PEAK VR will take you on a journey to the darkest corners of the human mind. You will find yourself in a mysterious alpine cabin, captured by the Krampus Killer. Your only chance to survive is to explore the cabin and solve the riddles laid out by the killer, emerging deeper and deeper into his psyche.
Immerse yourself in a dark world inspired by the Sky Original series. Challenge yourself to think like a criminal profiler. Use your intuition, gather the pieces of the puzzle and keep looking over your shoulder. With intensely realistic graphics captured with photogrammetry and a wide range of interactions designed from the ground up for room scale VR, PAGAN PEAK VR will entice and terrify even the most experienced escape room gamers.
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Игра красивая, хорошо оптимизированная, с неплохими головоломками, давящей атмосферой и интересными локациями. Единственный недостаток - короткая как смерть. Из 2,5 часов, которые я наиграл, добрый час я потратил на затуп с решением загадки "who am i". В целом легко проходится за час. С другой стороны - не жалко отдать за час-два качественного VR escape-рума денежный эквивалент гамбургера в Вкусно и точка