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Pacifish is an incremental fishing management game with several mechanics to interact with and improve. It can be played both idly, or more actively to progress faster.
- Fish – Acquire and equip poles and tackle to fish in 6 unlockable areas.
- Fight – Disturbing the waters causes both the fish and the materials to fight back. Earn pixels to improve fighting stats.
- Hatch – Set up and upgrade incubators to hatch large quantities of fish.
- Eat – Consume those large quantities to improve stats such as fishing speed and fight stats.
- Swim – Manually take control of a fish to eat other fish and gain resources.
- Gamble – Spend your earned coin to play slots, or test your memory in a match game.
- Craft – Use materials to craft new poles and tackle, as well as create mods to alter pole stats.
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