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Take flight in a dream-like cloudscape as you seek to reawaken the relics of a lost civilization. As a unique child born with the powers of the ancient dragons, your parents cast you from the stricken surface into the land above the skies. There you must use the abilities of both your human and dragon forms to amass magical power, solve strange mysteries and seek out the enigmatic 'Titans' that can revive the world.
Steam User 27
Okey Dokey, this game is great most of the time but really sucks at parts, this will be great for some and horrible for others. Keep in mind that this is mostly opinion. I've 100% completed the game and seen everything that the game has to offer with 2 playthroughs.
The gameplay consists of a boy who shapeshifts into a dragon, flying amongst a cloudy sky, calming down titans with gameplay elements similar to Shadow of the Colossus, however instead of stabbing weak points, you solve puzzles at these points. There is also a large overworld littered with upgrades and collectibles that expand the lore.
- Music is fantastic
- Exploration is rewarding and refreshing, generally brilliant.
- Nice background plot
- The art style is freakin gorgeous while being very simplistic at the same time
- Runs well
- The main progression system of calming down titans is monotonous and tedious, not that fun, and feels more like a job to progress than actual gameplay
- The control scheme takes a while to get used to and I would recommend trying out different bindings to suit you (I played on an Xbox One controller, so I don't know how the pc controls handle)
- Music doesn't loop, creating large portions of silence when exploring (however this can be relaxing so take it as a pro or con)
- Finale was pretty disappointing with just an
- Voice acting could be better (but there isn't much to begin with)
The main gameplay with the mix of awkward controls makes the titan sections just a confusing mess of annoying setbacks. In a lot of cases, you will find yourself flying very close to the titan which can cause some difficulties due to the camera having its own hitbox. If your perspective of the game gets caught on something then your character cannot move as if it is obstructed when it is not. This leads to frustrating losses of progress. Furthermore, the camera angle can and will mess you up at crucial times as well. Although these sections of the game are cool, they just feel like a chore as they have to be completed to progress the game.
However, that part of the game only took up around 30% of my playtime which gave me the rest of the time to fly through the relaxing landscape that is the rest of the game, exploring tunnels in the clouds and finding secrets everywhere. This part of the game is brilliant and I would have been very happy with just this as the game. However, that would turn the game into a collectible simulator that wouldn't appeal to all.
Overall, I would recommend this game to anyone who would take the time to explore the world. If you just rush through the game then I think you would find it underwhelming. Regardless, I implore you to buy the game and try out the first hour or so, this would give you a taste of the game as a whole as it doesn't change too much, and just consider a refund if it's not to your liking.
Even though I have highlighted a lot of negatives I still find that the pros HEAVILY outweigh the cons 8/10
Steam User 24
Oure is a gentle beautiful ethereal game which lovers of flying will enjoy. It has a good mixture of zen flying, finding collectables, solving puzzles and battling to calm the Titans to fulfil their role. This is a non-violent game, but you can be killed if you stray in the wrong area.
You play a dragon-child whose parents have sent you to the land in the skies to save the dying and stricken world below. You can choose between a girl and a boy. Your main role is to activate ancient machinery and puzzles which will awaken the eight Titans who have the power to restore the world. You have to calm each Titan down and restore them to their full glory. Only then will they trust you and aid you in bringing restoration to the world below.
Along the way, you will discover relics of the past. There are also glowing orbs which give you more stamina and empower you in other skills. I managed to find all 750 of them!! The clouds themselves can restore your energy too by simply flying through them. Some people will find it laborious to track down all the collectables and relics.
I love flying in games and this was the best flying game I've played. It has a gentle ambiance to it and you can go your own pace. The devs captured the movement of the flying dragon well. You can see the love they poured into this game.
The lovely and interesting environments are backed by a sublime orchestral soundtrack which soars around you on your journey. When you're following the Titans the music becomes more strident and urgent. Great stuff!
Gameplay was good, but I did have some frustrating moments controlling the dragon in tight spots underground and with the Titans on keyboard. I'm hoping it is better with a game pad which is recommended. Some other reviewers said these problems are caused by the camera's position.
The 'battles' with the Titans can be frustrating because some of them are quite hard, but perseverance and thinking outside of the box will pay handsome dividends. I did find these 'battles' a bit jarring to the rest of the game which is very relaxing. Plus the similar actions required for the Titans became repetitive.
You can be killed by hidden rays in the ground but this game is extremely forgiving and you respawn very quickly.
There is no map for this game despite a very large world. But by turning your dragon into a circle it highlights the areas to be explored, so that was extremely handy. This could be done anytime.
Voiceovers are by British child actors and they did a good job with the minimal dialogue.
Graphics were really lovely, gentle, ethereal with surprises popping up here and there. The devs created a very original world in the skies and this old dragon approved.
The ending did feel a bit of a anti-climax after all your hard work. Sadly, this game never seems to go on sale.
Highly recommend for those who enjoy floating around at a leisurely pace amidst a calm environment. 8.5/10
Steam User 10
An enjoyable and relaxing game about exploration and collecting shiny things while swooshing around the clouds as a dragon.
Note: The game doesn't make it obvious, but you can actually choose to play as a boy or a girl (don't push forwards at the end of the intro, and a prompt should appear).
(Disclaimer: I know one of the developers)
Steam User 8
This is a relaxing dragon-flying, puzzle-solving and beautiful game. After reading the other reviews, I admit I was a bit skeptic but eventually it claimed my heart and I am on my second playthrough. I start this game when I need a break from action-packed and competitive games.
* You play as a dragon! (Sure, you play a child who can transform into a dragon but 95% of the time you are a dragon)
* There is no limit on how many times you transform either.
* You cant get hurt, you cant die and you cant really fail the game.
* The only thing that drains is your stamina but you can refill it in no time by flying into clouds. (pretty much infinite stamina)
* The controls aren't that bad and can be learned pretty easily.
* The game world is breathtaking!
* The graphics are stylish and neat.
* The music is very good.
* The puzzles are gradually getting harder, so you have time to learn them.
* Although there is no map and minimap, you can easily find everything.
* The game allows you to restart the story with keeping your already collected abilities and items.
* The way the story is told and the plot itself is enjoyable. It leaves a lot of room for imagination too.
* Camera sometimes gets stuck. It is especially frustrating when trying to maneuver around on a titan or a tunnel of clouds. Although it can be fixed by resetting the camera but still...
* The game doesn't give any pointers on what buttons to press when taming the first titan. Or even what to do with the crystals.
* You cannot roam once you finished the game. I miss this. I would love to just fly around, enjoying the fruit of my labor.
* I am disappointed in the game ending. It isn't horrible but don't expect any fireworks or much satisfaction from it.
All in all, despite all the flaws, I like the game. I can recommend it.
However, don't buy the game if you expect action-packed gameplay. Then, this game is not for you.
I also read in different reviews that this game is a copy of some other games. But keep in mind that most games made today are all copies of some other successful game. So, I don't think it has any significance.
Anyway, I am hoping for a similar game from this developer in the future. Or a sequel?
Steam User 4
This is the kind of game you can't play from start to end in one go or you'll be past it in only a dozen of hours and won't get much fun from it.
Instead I recommend just unwinding after a long day of work/school/whatever/... and mess with the flying mechanics, collect some orbs, maybe continue the story.
If you can do that this game will be a joy to play.
Recommended for people who are looking for that little pastime in an otherwise busy life.
Steam User 6
a really cute game, kind of a more ligthearted shadow of the colloses, and the music is phenomenal <3
Steam User 0
Oure is a game where you fly as a dragon through the sky, find a lot of hidden artefacts if you want a challenge, or just complete the main objectives if you don't. The puzzles aren't very difficult, but there's an option to play a second run with slightly harder puzzles if you want. You can't die and there's no violence or scary themes, so it's also a great game for younger players if you want. The art style is pleasant and the world is quite minimalistic.
And the score by Ian Livingstone is EXCELLENT.
Seriously, I heard the music for this game on ABC Classic's 'Game Show' with Meena Shamaly and it made me want to play this game. And it did not disappoint!