Original War
An American geological expedition, under a UN mandate, assesses the natural resources in a distant part of Siberia, deep in the trackless steppes of Eastern Russia. But instead of oil, they discover a deposit of a hitherto unknown mineral.
American scientists working for Department of Defense find out that this mineral is in fact identical to the substance used to power an extraterrestrial artifact in their possession. This object is called the EON (Extraterrestrial Object Nexus).
It was found in 1919 by Colonel Emerson near the site of the Tunguska explosion. Emerson was the commander of a US military unit in charge of transporting US war supplies from the city of Vladivostok to the Eastern front during World War I.
DoD Experiments have shown that items placed in the capsule are transported hundreds of thousands of years back in time. The American scientists were not able to understand its construction, nor could they manage to synthesize its fuel. Eventually, the machine – classified Top Secret – was stored, pending further advances in human science.
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本作游戏故事充满科幻感,玩家扮演美国特殊任务部队的指挥官,带领部队回到200万年前,与俄国相同部队抢夺能源矿的即时战略游戏。本作颠覆传统即时战略墨守成规的多项游戏定律,它不只是即时战略游戏,更带有相当比重的角色扮演游戏成分、多线式任务导向战役、主线支线分明的关卡任务,以及最特别的让玩家在游戏中因不同抉择而有多重结局。中文名天启战役原版名称Original War游戏类型即时战略地区波兰发行公司INTERPLAY相关星图
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