Onee Chanbara Origin
Digital Deluxe Edition
The Onee Chanbara Origin Deluxe Edition is a value bundle containing the DIGITAL DELUXE UPGRADE in addition to the full base game.
Onee Chanbara Origin Deluxe Edition Contents:
①Onee Chanbara Origin Base Game
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the sword fighting action game series Onee Chanbara, the events of THE Onee Chanbara and THE Onee Chanbara 2 have been completely remade in full HD.
The story of Aya and Saki, two sisters bound by mutual hatred and locked in a brutal fight to the death, has been revived and Leimagined.
Main character designer Katsumi Enami breathes new life into the characters, making this silky-smooth 60fps high-speed action game an unmissable treat.
All shall be revealed in this recreated re-release of the games that started it all in Onee Chanbara OrThe Story.
A value pack which allows you to instantly unlock the playable character Lei, in addition to extra costumes, weapons, 30 BGM songs, and 10 extra missions.
About the GameTo commemorate the 15th anniversary of the sword fighting action game series Onee Chanbara, the events of THE Onee Chanbara and THE Onee Chanbara 2 have been completely remade in full HD!
The story of Aya and Saki, two sisters bound by mutual hatred and locked in a brutal fight to the death, has been revived and Leimagined.
Main character designer Katsumi Enami breathes new life into the characters, making this silky-smooth 60fps high-speed action game an unmissable treat.
All shall be revealed in this recreated re-release of the games that started it all in Onee Chanbara OrThe Story
In the year 20XX AD, Tokyo is nothing but a dystopic wasteland overrun by living corpses known as the Undead. Here we find two sisters who descend from a long line of expert swordsmen, yet were born to different mothers. The elder sister, Aya, was raised by her father, who subjected her to rigorous training in the way of the blade. Meanwhile, the younger sister, Saki, was raised by her mother, learning to despise her father for abandoning them and taking her sister away.
When her father goes missing, Aya decides to put her skills with the sword to use as an Undead-hunter. Upon her beloved mother’s murder, Saki becomes consumed to the point of insanity with a desperate thirst for revenge, resorting to manipulating the Undead to achieve her goal.
Aya resolves to seek out her younger sister, her only surviving relation, while Saki is determined to resurrect her mother using an ancient art passed down through the ages. This art, however, requires the heart of a blood relative to work, meaning that the younger sister must kill the elder if she is to have her sworn vengeance.
And so, amidst a swirling storm of love, hate, and intrigue, the battle between the two sisters begins!
Steam User 16
This is the best one. Not a single doubt in my mind.
The third character you unlock plays like the dream action game I thought up when I was 13.
(Woooo I'm review #1,000!!)
Steam User 7
DMC at home, but with hot waifus? Sign me up!
Alongside with "Onechanbara Z2 Chaos" these two games are incredibly good and satisfying to play.
Steam User 7
My playtime got glitched because I played it while offline. It's good but not as fanservicey as it should be. Feels scaled down because of P;aystation censorship.
Steam User 9
I got this in the recent Humble Bundle of D3PUBLISHER titles. I had been morbidly curious about Onee Chanbara for a while, ever since I saw it ported on the Wii as "Bikini Zombie Slayers," but the comparatively high price kept me away from the series for a long time. But, as part of a bundle with a bunch of other games, I figured it was time to finally pull the trigger.
This game has a surprising amount going for it. The combat system has an impressive amount of depth and challenge to it, way more than I figured it would. Between dodging and parrying attacks, cleaning your sword of blood as needed and learning the best timing for combos, there's a good amount going on here, but it's fairly easy to get a handle on. As an action game, it's not as technical as something like Bayonetta, but nowhere near as brain-dead as a Musou game. It rests somewhere in a comfortable middle where you're still mowing down hordes of the undead, but there's enough challenge there to keep your interest. The story stages are fairly short and digestible, and thus easy to work into your schedule. And the visuals are nice and colorful, with a clean anime style.
OCO certainly has its drawbacks, though. For one thing, it's not very well-optimized for the PC. If you do get this, I highly recommend looking through the Steam Community forums for pointers on how to get it running its best, at the correct resolution, and avoiding crashes. Not nearly the worst PC port I've ever played, but it's far from effortless to get running well. Hell, you'll probably have to look up info in the forums just to figure out how to switch the game's language to English, as it defaults to Japanese for some strange reason.
The other major issue is that there's just not much content in the game. It's supposed to be the first two Onee Chanbara titles remade together, but even so, it's incredibly short, with the story mode (including cutscenes and having to replay the first boss several times due to a game-crashing bug that took a while to sort out) clocking in at less than ten hours. Beyond replaying those stages on higher difficulties or playing the survival mode to unlock a hidden character (assuming you don't just pay to unlock her via DLC), the only other thing to do is complete challenges of the "parry attacks X number of times with X character" variety to unlock concept art and skins. For a game that's regularly priced so high, that's a paltry amount of content. And no, the story really isn't enough to justify the price of admission, either.
Bottom line, I can recommend this game, but ONLY on a steep discount. For the $4 or so it wound up being with the bundle, that's well worth it. But otherwise, I'd pass unless you're just that desperate to hack up zombies as a bikini cowgirl.
Steam User 5
The game was fun, the story uncomplicated and straight to the point; no philosophical debates, or issues on morality and the human condition, just a nice hack and slash game with beautiful women.
Steam User 2
If you played the others in the series you know what your getting. cute girls in Bikinis fighting zombies in a button masher. Very arcady in a way.
Its fun but not $60 fun especially for how long it is. can be beaten in about 5 hrs. on sale for around $15 is about the most I'd go in on this . If it had branching missions or more of a reason to replay it I could see spending a bit more.
I had to do some work to get this working right, so be prepared it wasnt any thing hard and only took me a few minutes but when i started it up it didnt support 4K resolution and was zoomed in. also it started in Japanese so will have to look up how to get it to english as well unless you understand it.
I didnt have any performance issues or crashes. for me at least it ran great I've seen some people say they have had issues with crashes.
Its very much a budget game. looks like it belongs on the 360 or PS3. Its not graphically impressive but its fine for what it is. especially when doing the anime style artwork .
controls were good outside of the camera could be a pain in the ass durring boss fights .
overall enjoyed it. probably run through it on hard mode but dont think I'll be putting a ton more time into it.
Steam User 2
It is one of the games of all time, and I love it.
This is not one of the most refined character action games there are, you cannot control when to activate your transformation, the parry is very temperamental, you can just spam the evasion button as a response to everything, there are some iffy hitboxes and animations, and sometimes it feels like just button mashing, but if you decide to time your button presses and find the flow of your moveset you can really enjoy the combat and hell, if you only want to mash your way through a level you can definitely do that especially because levels can be over in like 5 minutes skipping the cutscenes, yes, this game's main story is on the really short side clocking around 4-6 hours, but it is worthy, especially if you get it in discount, considering this is one of the most stylish and charismatic and realively "polished" entries in the series, so you can indulge in the overall style, agressive gameplay and fanservice with no regrets.