No More Light

  • No More Light Screenshot 1
  • No More Light Screenshot 3
  • No More Light Screenshot 5

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The World of No More Light

No More Light brings you to the horrific America on the brink of annihilation, where you have to keep fighting with merciless aliens and the creations of the terraforming. Save as many survivors as possible and save the Earth from destruction!


Survival. That’s the word on the minds of the people who are left. The land is gone, we have lost. Humanity is left with only a handful of survivors. Their home in the fabled Colorado is now unrecognizable. So what do you do, hide until your food runs out?No! Arm yourself, pick up your weapon and fight! Save the people, gather and build a new home, restore the weather. Your base will be the first bastion of humanity’s resistance.

Enviroment/ Atmosphere

While you are out exploring the vast regions of America, you will discover many uniqure enviroment. Not only the aliens but the weather too will challange the players. Be it an overgrow swamp, a wider field or a destroyed city, the invader’s biomass is there. The rich wildlife is nowhere to be found anymore. The infestation is every where, the danger is immenet.and if you don’t stop it it will grow even further.


The only constant in this world is danger. While you are fighting aliens you have to fight the weather too. The supplies are also limited so do not waste them or you have to go look for them again. Save the survivors! Every extra hand matters. You don’t know when will they save you, as even a small mistake on your part can lead to death out there. As you proggress you will make decision that will effect not just your enviroment but yourself too. Your body and your mind. Especially your mind.

Safe Zone

The Bunker is your safe house, your shelter. This is where you can rest, sleep and replenish your supplies after an exploration. Also you can communicate with other survivals and trade with some unexpected visitor. On the top of that this is the place you have to defend from the aliens.

This is also your revive point if you would die. Don’t worry you can enlist surviors to help defend and improve it. They will be ones you who will protect it while you are out.

Weapons and supplies

During the game you will be able to collect various weapons that will help you along the way. From the classic handguns to more unique pieces( for example: flamethrower. auto shotguns and granade lunchers) and even some alien tech too.The supplies you found could be the key to your survival, be it as a generator or a battery, but you can always sell them.


The aliens took control over the weather and they are causing storms and other hazardous weather. You will have to retake the H.A.A.R.P. facilities to clear the skies.But this won’t be easy as first you must secure generator areas which are proteted by the more vicious aliens. After you restore the power you can except more challenging foes coming your way.


One of the main element of the game is the helping of the remaining survivors. Which will prove to be quite difficult given their situation. Not only you have to find them, save them form the danger but escort them back to the main bunker. Doing this while you are under attack.

Good luck!


Missions will have key roles to the game, the main missions will be the most difficult ones. where the sides will give the players more room to improve and explore.You can even expect hidden, special missions that will reward the most interesting treasures. It can also lead to legendary items or in some cases you can find yourself at the mercy of others. Each mission will give a certain amount of karma points which can also unlock new missions. The tone of the game will also be affected by your choices.


The characters skills will be upgradeable, you can get skill points by eliminating certain aliens. On the top of that you will have unique abilities which will make you an even opponent against the invaders. Inmagine what if you can become one of the aliens. Or what if you could turn them against each other. Use their weapons.It all depends on you

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