NITE Team 4 – Military Hacking Division
Summer 2019 Event : Goliath-7
New content, new bounties, new Stinger OS upgrades, new skins and rewards, updated twitch drop campaign, and new in-game event for streamers!
Goliath-7 is a new upgrade platform that lets you increase the capacity of your Stinger OS. 4 types of upgrades are available.
CPU upgrades boost modules like Password Attack. Proxy upgrades increase the number of servers you can use to speed up the process of scanning various networks. Database upgrades allow for bigger xkeyscore requests. Software upgrades add new modules and game mechanics.
Upgrades can be permanent or temporary. Upgrades also range in power, from common to legendary.
A series of bounties will be dedicated to Goliath-7 upgrades, but expect to see them during open-world, academy, or the main campaign storyline.
关于游戏Discover the universe of hacking and cyber warfare with NITE Team 4. Version 1.0 of the games includes more than 70 missions and operations broken down into various categories for every level of player >
Training Boot Camp
The academy will help you learn all the basics you need to become a proficient hacker in the world of NITE Team 4. Through multiple training certificates, you will be taught real-life cybersecurity techniques and modules including information gathering, port scanning, fingerprinting, exploit research, attack strategy, digital forensics and so much more. The academy is designed to be fun but also accessible even if you have never used a terminal in your life.
Epic Campaign
The game include 4 main operations fully voice acted. Experience the life of an elite cyber warfare agent in a military task force. Track down suspects on the dark web, infiltrate networks and coordinate drone strikes!
Bounty and reputation
Hourly, daily and weekly world drops let you get various jobs from intelligence agencies around the world. NSA, CIA, GCHQ, CSIS, MSS, GRU… With more than 20 bounties, it’s up to you to decide who you want to help and forge your reputation worldwide to unlock rare and epic bounties.
Open World Mission
If you want more challenging missions, each month a set of missions let you blend the game with real-life objectives and resources. Online research, fake websites, cellphones and more in an alternate reality extension of the game.
Meet the dev
Help us bring this game to life while we roll out player created servers and factions, new campaigns, open world and bounty systems. Join a really active indie developer accessible both on steam and discord. Our entire dev team is accessible and always online to talk with players and improve the game to make this a notable reference in the hacking genre.
Steam User 13
黑进网站后——netscan,优先注意Active Directory(有的时候是AD缩写,有的时候可能完全看不出是AD,但只要dig一下发现服务是AD那就是了),之后dig所有路径看看有没有漏洞,没漏洞的话看看有没有用户名信息来破解密码;netscan没有结果的话,就看:能不能MITM,能不能找到wifi,能不能sfuzzer出新的子域名。
·关于foxacid攻击时用什么rootkit:进攻网站用After Midnight,进攻网站里面的路径用assassin,进攻hivemind用HVM开头的(hivemind的参数都是一样的——TCP和Alpha,直接记住的话以后就不用每次都去漏洞数据库查了)。
Steam User 29
we need Chinese
Steam User 16
This game looks very cool, but you need to be over the wall. I hope the production team can provide Chinese!
We need Chinese!
Steam User 11
Steam User 8
Communication Center里目前有Live Event和Bounty Quests,前者答案藏的较深,需要游戏内的各种工具甚至google,后者类似限时悬赏任务,隔段时间可以刷新,有几率刷到已经做过的任务,基本几层操作就可以得到结果。
HiveMind可以看成另一套任务系统,根据三角定位得到xxxx.hvm地址,左上角雷达表示目标方向,右上角表示离目标还有多远,移动下方角度滑块调整新的定位点直到found地址。查域名的数据库要用TBW(如osintscan xxxxx.hvm -s TBW -d 500),之后的操作和通常任务相同,尽可能扒出角色资料和密码直到发现Trade界面。
Steam User 5
I wonder whether the vpn is a necessary for China players, as some content just cannot load properly during the mission, which is a big downside for me.
Steam User 0
Fantastic game for hacker fans. I have some difficulty in listening since I'm Chinese, but still enjoy the whole game as a coder. It needs some basic knowledge of Linux command line. But even if you know nothing about Linux, it is easy to learn from zero in this game.
Really wonderful game. Hoping for Chinese language support to let more people know and enjoy it.