Night of the Dead
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We continue to share interesting adventure options that will surely become the basis for a pleasant pastime. This time we offer you to go on a rather unusual adventure that will allow you to go to a world covered with darkness and unusual zombies. You will play as a beautiful girl named Lucy, who became the victim of an unsuccessful experiment. Now she is forced to survive in this world and try to ensure herself a normal existence. Therefore, we suggest that you take advantage of all available opportunities and try to achieve the desired result.
Steam User 127
In-depth analysis further down.
If you’re looking for some screenshots click here to view all the ones I took for this game.
🟩 Pros
🟥 Cons
• Excellent base building system, with great quality-of-life functions such as automation, labels, snap / free placement swap, auto-sort, auto-material-pick, and more.
• Tremendously vast world, with a high amount of quest- or task-related POIs to explore, loot and clear out of zombies. These locations often have unique, useful rewards in them.
• High number of unique items to drop from both bosses and rare enemies, which can be further customized, upgraded and re-rolled to fit your playstyle.
• Solid gameplay variety: other than combat, activities like farming, fishing, quests, hunting, foraging, mining, trading, base-building and exploring are available, and useful.
• Good variety of elite and special enemies, all with unique attack patterns and abilities to keep combat from becoming too repetitive.
• Companions are boring and useless. Not only are they a detriment in combat, but also have no personality, often get stuck, and half their AI commands are a bugged mess.
• The main story is boring and clichèd, with an ending that doesn’t make a lot of sense, and other debatable non sequiturs in the narrative or characters.
• No incentive to explore any location that isn’t marked by some quest or task; you’ll never find anything good in them.
• On higher difficulties, most bosses are unfeasible to defeat with melee builds; this means you either go for a ranged one for mid-late game, or get obliterated.
• The tutorials are insufficient and half-assed: many fundamental game mechanics will never be explained properly or at all, and aren’t intuitive either. Google is your friend.
🟨 Bugs & Issues
🔧 Specs
• Several issues with objective completion tracking, mostly in secondary quests.
• In rare cases, the main quest can break if a boss is killed in specific ways. Reload a save to fix.
• Vehicle collision models, physics are inaccurate and buggy, making driving a painful experience.
• A few specific areas cause massive performance issues regardless of settings / specs.
• Melee weapon hitbox / hitreg are inaccurate, clunky and inconsistent.
• i9 13980HX
• RTX 4090
• 3840x2160
Content & Replay Value:
It took me and a friend 82 hours to finish Night of the Dead (NOTD) on Hard difficulty; we took extra time to explore, build an advanced base, acquire the best gear and complete side quests. The content is linear; I don’t see a reason to replay.
Is it worth buying?
Yes, especially for co-op. The price of 29€ is excellent for this amount, and overall good quality of content. For open-world survival fans, I can recommend getting it for full price.
Verdict: Good
Rating Chart Here
A well-made and varied open-world zombie survival that, however, could've done better in many departments. Still, it's an overall fun experience, especially in co-op.
Writing & Worldbuilding
Scorched and destroyed, the world does feel like a post-apocalypse setting: most buildings are dilapidated, horrifying abominations roam the streets, nature and animals reclaimed the dominion of men. The general low quality of visuals, especially textures, and the immersion-breaking fact 90% of buildings are just props that can’t be entered, detracts from the realistic feeling. However, exploring the world is interesting and there’s a good number of locations, cities and biomes with their own visual identity, all made reasonably well.
The story is a clichèd, disjointed mess for the most part. While your objective of finding a cure is clear, the way you interact with characters most good and evil doesn’t make a lot of sense. There are no choices, and little explanation of the motives of each of them. Moreover, you’ll never know how each of them ended up, and after their related questlines, it will be as if they stop existing entirely. The decent amount of diaries and notes is adequately-written, but hardly meaningful to expand upon the lore.
Exploration & Secrets
You’ll explore initially on foot, then with a series of progressively-better, upgradeable vehicles like motorbikes and trucks. Surprisingly enough, you’ll even be able to build on some of them, effectively making them mobile bases of sorts, which is extremely useful given how much land you’ll have to traverse. Building your own paths, like bridges, will be fundamental to get anywhere in a reasonable time. Aside from the locations marked by quests, there will be traders to find, but nothing else much interesting. There are no secrets off the beaten path, nothing you can’t find that isn’t marked automatically at some point. Custom waypoints and markers in the shape of flags are very useful to keep track of what’s what, since the map won’t automatically mark traders or resource rich spots - you have to do that yourself, and with how big the world is, you’ll need to.
Combat System & Bosses
For most part of the early to mid game, ammunition will be scarce and you’ll be too broke to buy them in bulk from traders; that means good old melee will be your bread and butter, and not a bad solution at dealing with zombies. An assortment of weapons ranging from swords to spears to hammers is available in color-coded rarity tiers, giving them passive bonuses and traits - you can also mod them freely with powerful attachments. The melee combat is clunky and inconsistent, and seems taken out of an early alpha rather than a finished product. Many times you’ll be hit by obscene hitboxes, or bamboozled by super-jank animations. However, the damage system on zombies is dynamic and pleasant enough, allowing you to mutilate them to diminish their threat.
Ranged weapons work well enough, and are an all-around superior alternative that, however, costs ammo, which is hard to come by in sufficient amounts. Until late-game, there are very few firearms actually worth using, compared to the melee weapons which only cost durability. Regardless, you’ll need bullets to face bosses, because going melee against their teleporting, animation-skipping, hitreg-bending melee attacks is a sure way to end up dead. Speaking of bosses, they have evolving phases as their health decreases, and have a chance to drop unique items you can’t obtain in other ways - grinding them numerous times using Access Cards, obtained by looting or side quests, is the only way to get gear strong enough to face the late-game threats.
Base Building & Crafting
Your base can be built anywhere in the world without limits. A vast array of walls, facilities, defenses and utility buildings is available and progressively unlocked as you defeat bosses and complete research projects, using the Research papers dropped by enemies, sort-of like XP, but for passives and abilities that allow you to craft new, or better stuff. The quality of life is great, and even if the inventory controls take a while to get used to, after a bit your base will be a comfortable safe haven in the apocalypse. But this can end every night, when enormous hordes of zombies attack it, so preparing your defenses strategically, in a tower-defense style almost, will be paramount for your survival. You’ll have to make sure to not run out of power, maintain the defenses taking damage, and reload any ranged turrets with ammunition regularly - all while zombies pound at your door.
Steam User 18
I've just finished the main story with 169 hours of gameplay, and I must say, this game is incredible. Although it feels a bit unusual at the beginning, this actually works in its favor, as the game introduces unique mechanics that differ from traditional survival games. These mechanics might not be immediately clear, but they add a refreshing twist to the genre.
The daily horde attacks, while intimidating at first, quickly become a highlight of the game. The trap mechanics make each night an exhilarating experience. The map is vast, offering plenty of loot, numerous mobs, world bosses, main story bosses, a variety of weapons, and fantastic upgrade mechanics.
I highly recommend this game. It's super fun and definitely worth your time.
Steam User 23
the jank here is absolutely amazing, rivaling both 7 Days to Die and SCUM in its awkward combat, poor localization, glitchy physics, technical bugs (make sure to try true fullscreen if, like me, you got inexplicably locked into a resolution literally half of your monitor's), and confused voice actors trying their absolute best to deliver lines that make Bethesda npc barks seem well conceived - with even less voice direction than Bethesda deigns to give.
but like 7 Days and SCUM this game has a lot of charm and depth in its funkiness, even if i'm not totally sure yet it'll have the staying power of those games. mod support would help but i'm not sure how feasible that is in Unreal. it's fun though and certainly worth a few dozen hours rambling around, beating zombies into literal pulp and making Saw-meets-Rube-Goldberg death traps.
Steam User 9
Ok.. only 5 hrs in but I am a survival game enthusiast and have played them all.
If you like 7 Days to Die, you will love this game 100%. Instead of a horde every 7 days its every night.
There is a sh** ton of crafting recipes from building, crafting benches, weapons, tools, decoraions, ext..
THE ONLY THING is that I heard the devs are done updating this game which is heartbreaking and really made me not want to even buy the game. DEVS PLEASE ALLOW MODDING! This is will save this game!
*UPDATE @ 80+hours*
Steam User 10
I really love the game, I can recommend it easily but I've noticed there hasn't been any updates from the devs in a while.
Jackto, if you guys stop work on it, will you please add modding support of some kind first? I'm sure people could add some cool stuff to help keep it fun for a long time.
Steam User 10
Alright, how to begin...
The game has its good and bad for sure.
1st the BAD:
1. OPTIMISATION: Game could use tad bit more of optimisation. FPS drops are so severe at certain parts of the map its absurd. (Cathedral/catacombs dungeon for example, or Radar base/dungeon)
2. STORY: Ehh I dont want to sound like a smartass, but its naive and full of holes. And most of all, predictable. (We definetly didnt know that we are also mutant experiment gone with full success.)
3. SURVIVOR QUESTs: We cant shuffle quests from survivors, meaning that if they offer certain quests you DONT want or CANT do. Well tough luck, they gonna offer them ALL the time untill you complete them. Only then will you get option for other quest type. (Survivors offer 6 in total)
Can we get the option to shuffle/randomise quests each new day? (And add more quest types please.)
4. MESH ISSUE: There are still buildings within the game which have mesh issues. Meaning lootable containers are near wall or ground but you cant reach to loot them. Because in plain sight you would think you can aproach, but in truth mesh is preventing you. (Some sewers have that issue at enterance or if you want to loot skeleton bodies, you simply cant pass or reach them because of mesh/invisible wall issues)
5. MULTIPLAYER: Server performance is rather poor and very unstable. And they DISABLED Waves/Horde at night. What gives? That is the main attraction of the game.
Look I understand that Day 100 Horde/Wave would wipe out most newcomers/newbies, to remedy that a bit. Start the Wave/Horde every 3rd Day(Or every 6-7 days). 3 full days in game is more than enough to prepeare a modest base.
Also Newbies should know NEVER to build in the open, always use pre-existing buildings in the game.
6. DUNGEON TRAPs: Are annoying and as if Devs wanted to build an MMO not a single player game. EVERY-SINGLE lootable container within a dungeon is rigged with spike traps, which is more annoying than intrigueing. And EVERY dungeon has SAME traps. You go to Radar underground base and instead of laser or missile traps, you still get medieval spike traps.
7. BOSS FIGHTs: Only complaint here is that most Bosses have a cheap one-shot-kill move. Every time you deal large amount of dmg to the Boss, they gonna do the magical spin, that will drag you to them and will insta kill you. This is dirty and cheap Boss mechanic which was used durning 90's and 2000's Boss fights.
Such mechanics were used to hide Developer inability to code proper Boss AI and abilities.
Its almost 2025 Devs!
Alright those were the bads which I encountered, now the GOOD.
1st ITEM GRADE SYSTEM: No item is the same in the game. Sure you might find Leather Armor all the time, but every time it will have unique different stats and built-in Coils with 0-5 sockets.(Depending of RNG)
This ranges from Armor,Weapons to Accessories.
2nd TIER SYSTEM: Lets say you find Tier 1 Ring with supper good unique stats. Eventually you gonna find better tier 5 similar item but with worse unique stats.
Dont worry, your T1 Ring can still be upgraded to Tier 5 with enough resources invested.
That will increase its base stats and bring it up to par with that T5 item. And it will retain those super usefull unique stats which RNG granted you.
You can do this with most items within the game, unique stats are very important and pay attention to them.
All in all, this game is looter/hoarder's dream. There is always search for new items and their stats.
3. MAP: Map is super large, tho its size smtimes at certain areas make it feel empty because of that.
4. ZOMBIES: Game can handle more Zombies than 7DaysToDie durning Horde night. And within game in general. It stutters at certain parts of them map because of that, but it isnt that bad.
5. CUSTOM DIFFICULTY: You can customise most settings within the game, which is nice.
OVERALL: They say the game is done, 1.0 but it could use some finishing touches at certain parts of it.
I am giving it a THUMBS UP, it aint perfect game, it has issues.
If I had to give it a score, it would be 7/10. (Buy at discount)
Steam User 3
night of the dead is an incredible mix of survival and strategy! the crafting system is detailed and rewarding, and the zombie waves are both challenging and thrilling. i love how the game encourages creativity in base building, especially when defending against hordes. the graphics and atmosphere add to the immersive experience, making every night feel intense. highly recommended for fans of survival games! <3