Next Generation Soccer Coach
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Next Generation Soccer Coach,produced by ace of ace,best of best programmers and graphics experts.including Google Zurich senior programmer focused on Robocup,IIT(India) Robocup worldwide winner team leader.includng US based IT veteran.
Gold-standard Technical Architecture,with Remote server
The most exciting distinguishment of this title is that the match engine is based on real-time simulation,which means the result cannot be pre-determined,and in fact,it is PC monitor’s reflecting of real robot playing soccer on physical pitch.
The most exciting features of this title is promising beyond human kinds’ expectation too.
● the lastest data bank of English football World(data copyright negotiation in progress)
● the Bible-class bibliography of football stars(exclusive description for every player)
● compelte interaction on cloud server to exchange news,give favorite player bravo and comment
● complete live transfer and loan or fist option operation throughout each human users online
● O2O mode for intelligence user who are keen on touring exprience to find his favorite football tourist point such as arenas
● comprehensive and rich tactic centre to satisfy coacher’s all demanding such as formation,rosters,running directions,marking even vicious fouls etc
● worldclass backgroud pictures exclusively drawn by Czech artist makes the title not just a game but even a superclass celebrated paintings gallary
● every footballer club’s badge,every players’ portait contained and all nations,compititons logo retained
● the most sophisticated and complicated football-world logics written in such as players deliberately lose key match to let coach sacked
● quick-as-Lightning responding time to go straight into the game itself and support almost all kinds of PC hardware levels
The dev team will win this title at any cost!
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