My Memory of Us
The Evil King plunders the city and his robot soldiers appear everywhere. Citizens are segregated, some of them marked and forced to move out of their homes. They are made to live in a place that is sealed off from the rest of the city by a huge wall. Fortunately, the children are not alone – they have each other. Their friendship allows them to stay together, even though fate tries to tear them apart. Take control of two characters with different abilities. Connect them into pair and don’t let them be separated! She can run fast and shoot her slingshot, he can sneak in the shadows. When they work together as a team can they overcome all adversities! Features: Side-scrolling adventure full of action, stealth and various logical puzzles A moving story about friendship and love in dangerous times Beautiful 2D graphics inspired by naïve art Pair mechanics: control one of two characters with different abilities, or control them as a pair
Steam User 9
An incredibly touching story of... being human. Set in WWII, in Poland, it tells a story of two kids under Nazi rule, just after the invasion. It is beautifully camouflaged as something else, but with a clear intention of telling a story in a way that reminded me of "La vita è bella" from 1997 (an amazing Italian film that everyone should see in their life!).
Steam User 4
An evocative story with lovely art style and solvable puzzles. The world is deep and detailed, with pointed parallels to the historic events, and of course Sir Patrick Stewart's narration is excellent.
Steam User 7
A WW2 Adventure Game Not Set in WW2
"My Memory of Us" offers a unique twist on the typical World War II narrative. Instead of a direct depiction of the war, it presents a children's reimagining of the conflict as a battle with a robot army, creating a charming and imaginative retelling that reminds me of "Valiant Hearts: The Great War."
The story is both charming and predictable, capturing the essence of childhood innocence amidst the horrors of war. The musical score fits the atmosphere perfectly, and the voiceover in cutscenes is very appropriate, adding depth and emotion to the narrative.
Gameplay revolves around solving various types of puzzles to progress. Some puzzles require thought, while others demand precise timing. Despite the cute graphics, don't be fooled—the puzzles can be quite challenging.
Graphics & Atmosphere:
The art style is delightful, with a whimsical yet poignant design that enhances the story's impact. The atmosphere is enriched by the fitting musical score and appropriate voiceovers.
My One Gripe:
There are no saves. You need to finish a chapter for the game to save your progress. This lack of a save feature feels outdated and can be frustrating for players who cannot commit to longer play sessions. In today's gaming world, a "save game" button is a basic expectation.
In conclusion, "My Memory of Us" is a delightful and challenging adventure game with a unique take on a WWII setting. It excels in storytelling, atmosphere, and puzzle design but falls short with its lack of a save feature.
Disclaimer: This review was written with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Steam User 2
Such a beautifull game that delves into the themes of World War II, getting to see this through the eyes of two children helps giving a sense of warm to the game and also makes you feel more connected to the characters, making you worry about their well-being. The game felt both educational and emotionally impactful.
As you play the game, you get engaged wanting to know more about what's going to happen in this story.
The animation style is charming and adds a light hearted touch to the heavy subject portrait in the game.
Just to add something, the game puzzles felt quite hard sometimes, occasionally requiring tutorials or help from Google. This can be frustrating at times, but one you get over those specific puzzles/games, everything continue smoothly.
For more reviews, check my Curator's Page
Steam User 4
(Tłumaczenie na polski na dole)
A retelling of the Nazi invasion of Poland in the form of a children's story and my god, it is so well done. I honestly think you could use this game as an introduction for children when it comes to teaching them about the Second World War. It's narrative and art style (both of which are marvelous, I must say) disconnects the world of MMOU enough from reality to not make it too depressing or disturbing for youngsters (which is also alleviated by some comical moments that are both heartwarming and funny, but never too facetious for the setting), but it also gets them engrossed and allows you to draw connections and parallels to the real tragedy so that they are eased into an otherwise difficult subject. Especially for children Western Europe and beyond, it's important they get a directly Polish telling of the tale.
It's a side-scrolling puzzle game akin to Limbo, Unravel, Inside etc. and I honestly think it is as good as those examples. The puzzles themselves are well designed and get your brain jogging no matter who you are, but never enough to leave you completely dumbfounded or without solutions.
Also, I cried at the ending. Not many games do that.
I hope the developers are proud of what they created here, because this is one of those games that I firmly believe belong in the 'work of art' category.
(przepraszam za złą gramatykę, użyłem narzędzia do tłumaczenia online haha)
Przekazanie historii niemieckiej inwazji na Polskę w formie opowieści dla dzieci i jest to tak dobrze zrobione. Szczerze mówiąc, uważam, że tę grę można wykorzystać jako wprowadzenie dla dzieci, gdy chodzi o nauczanie ich o II wojnie światowej. Jej narracja i styl graficzny (oba są wspaniałe, muszę to powiedzieć) na tyle oddzielają świat MMOU od rzeczywistości, że nie jest to zbyt przygnębiające ani niepokojące dla młodych ludzi (są też momenty komiczne, które są zarówno wzruszające, jak i zabawne, ale nigdy nie są zbyt nieodpowiednie w kontekście), a jednocześnie angażuje je i pozwala ci nawiązywać związki i paralele z prawdziwą tragedią, przez co wprowadza je w wątpliwy temat. Zwłaszcza dla dzieci w Europie Zachodniej i poza nią, ważne jest, aby usłyszały bezpośrednie, polskie przekazanie tej opowieści.
To gra logiczna z przewijaniem w boku, podobna do Limbo, Unravel, Inside itp. i szczerze uważam, że jest tak samo dobra jak te przykłady. Same łamigłówki są dobrze zaprojektowane i sprawiają, że twój mózg pracuje, niezależnie od tego, kim jesteś, ale nigdy na tyle, aby pozostawić cię całkowicie zdezorientowanym lub bez rozwiązań.
Również płakałem na końcu. Niewiele gier to potrafi.
Mam nadzieję, że deweloperzy są dumni z tego, co stworzyli, ponieważ to jedna z tych gier, które zasługują na miano 'dzieła sztuki'.
Steam User 2
그때의 그곳에서 고통받은 평범한 사람들
전쟁이란, 활약하는 군인과 투사들만의 무대가 아니었다. 당연히 여기에 휘말리는 민간인과 상인, 노동자들. 아이들도 전쟁 속에서 영향을 받고 그들만의 무대가 존재한다. 이 게임은 2차 세계대전, 나치 독일의 차별과 인종학살에 관한 이야기를 담고 있으며, 게임이 많은 방식을 통해 순화해서 알려주지만 우리는 이들이 어떻게 되었는지 너무나도 잘 알고있다. 비록 전쟁이 오직 한 쪽의 시선에서만 판단되면 안되겠지만, 휘말리는 민간인들에겐 너무 가혹하고 잔인한 소리다.
한 할아버지가 소녀에게 알려주는 그 때의 이야기. 그 시간의 그 장소를 체험해보고자 한다면 추천한다.
Steam User 0
I just finished the game on Switch, and felt compelled to purchase this on Steam and leave a review.
I cant recommend the game enough, i purchased the game based on the art style, but i had no idea what the game play was or the story.
Simple enough puzzle gameplay, but the story it tries to tell is jaw dropping. If you played Valiant Hearts they are very similar. If you are a history buff collect the memories hidden throughout the game, and once you complete the game go into the setting and view what you collected.
8 out of 10