Mutant Football League
Mutants and monsters unleash maniacal carnage on the gridiron in THIS action packed, arcade-style football game. Mutant Football League delivers intense online multiplayer action, deep strategy and deadly humor. Fantastical arenas full of ruthless fans and deadly traps set the stage for mayhem in every contest that allows players to win by highest score or by killing and eradicating their opponents – a feat made easier as teams use their unique [Dirty Tricks] (dirty tricks) such as [Bribe the Ref] (bribe the ref) to overturn a call or having a player become [Ginormous] (ginormous) to grow in size and pummel the puny combatants in their path. Whenever a game begins you’ll quickly discover the only predictable element is broken bones.
Steam User 7
我現在心情非常非常好,因為變種人不僅回到了格子架上,而且我剛剛贏得了 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 混亂碗。 當我在Steam上看到這個遊戲時,我差點從椅子上跳下來,我不知道他們在做這個。
說真的,如果你當時有世嘉創世紀,就買這個遊戲,現在就買。 殺死裁判,看著你的跑衛被地雷炸死,把四分衛裝進一桶酸液裏,把那個邊線隊員用一把巨大的鋸片砍斷,贏得大混亂碗。 最重要的是,足球真的很好。 這是變種人聯盟足球的重啓,這是你20多年來一直想要的遊戲。 你需要它,我還能說什麼呢? 請支持這個遊戲。