Mugen Souls
Mugen Souls features a free-roaming battle map, turn-based combat, and massive amounts of customization and growth to maximize the fun players can have with the game.
Expansive worlds to explore: Travel freely on each world to explore and find treasures and items. Monsters are roaming about, so be cautious, or fight them head-on and make them your subservient peons!
Free-roaming style battle maps: Use Combo attacks to execute spectacular moves with your allies! Destroy Crystals on the battlefield to activate Hyper mode!
Moe Kill: Execute the Moe Kill technique to enslave enemies and turn them into items by exploiting their weaknesses!
Customization: Create a full cast of characters! Customizable body parts, facial expressions, and job classes!
Duel in Dual Audio: Experience the game in either Japanese or English audio.
PC Upgrades: Featuring full mouse and keyboard support, gamepad support, Steam achievements, User Interface and major graphical enhancements!
The game also includes the following free DLC:
7 World Redux Additional Battle 1
So you cleared the game at the lowest recommended level, huh?
Why not take on some challenging battles via 7 World Redux!?
If you can beat these, then you have nothing to fear in the Mugen Field!
*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.
7 World Redux Additional Battle 2
You might need to do some grinding for this one!
An incredibly difficult battle has been added to 7 World Redux!
If you walk into this one unprepared, you will die!
This is for those of you with confidence!
*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.
7 World Redux Additional Battle 3
You might need to do some grinding for this one!
An incredibly difficult battle has been added to 7 World Redux!
If you walk into this one unprepared, you will die!
This is for those with confidence!
*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.
*This DLC will become available when Chou-Chou’s Charm Level has reached a certain level.
Conspicuous Coordination Set
Here is a set of equippable items!
Become a fashionista! Use these items and have your characters strut the catwalk!
Flashy Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Train one at a time or many at once! Create a party that is unique to you!
G Up Pack 1
I want to upgrade my items, but I just don’t have the points…
Here is a present just for you with the points that are necessary to upgrade items, G Up!
G Up Pack 2
I want to upgrade my items, but I just don’t have the points…
Here is a present just for you with the points that are necessary to upgrade items, G Up!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 1
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 2
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 3
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 4
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 5
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 6
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 7
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 8
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 9
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 10
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 11
Here is a set of items that will aid you on your adventure!
You’ll find a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles, and defensive items!
These are incredibly strong, so use them well!
Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 12
Here is a set of items that will aid you on your adventure!
You’ll find some gloves, a spear, a scythe, dual long and short blades, and defensive items!
These are incredibly strong, so use them well!
Overwhelming Recipe Set
The strongest weapons in the galaxy!
Here is the overwhelmingly destructive weapon recipe set!
*This DLC content overlaps with the Overwhelming Recipe and Item Set, so please be aware of that.
*We recommend choosing only one, based on if you’d like to have the recipes only, or the items as well.
Overwhelming Selfina Set
This is the Selfina avatar set.
Use them all together or mix and match!
Please enjoy many overwhelming combinations!
Palpitation Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Let’s make some cute girls and some cool boys! Use these items to further customize your party!
Point Pack 1
I just can’t seem to get enough points…
For those of you who feel this way, here is a currency boost containing G and a character strengthening boost containing Mugen Points.
Point Pack 2
I just can’t seem to get enough points…
For those of you who feel this way, here is a currency boost containing G and a character strengthening boost containing Mugen Points.
Selfina Voice Addition (JP)
You can now use Selfina’s voice! (JP Audio Only)
Please use this with the Overwhelming Selfina Set!
Sparkly Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Control peons that you yourself have customized!
Undisputed God Prudence Pack 1
This a set of usable items for all you beginner ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.
Undisputed God Prudence Pack 2
This a set of usable items for all you mid-level ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.
Undisputed God Prudence Pack 3
This a set of usable items for all you high level ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.
Undisputed God Prudence Pack 4
This a set of usable items for all you ultimate gods out there who are approaching true divinity!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.
Steam User 25
Tamura Yukari and Hayami Saori are the Main Voice Actors so this game is very suitable for those who likes the Jap Animation.
Compile Heart makes great JRPG, and this one is OVERWHELMING just as it said.
With the creative moe kill and peon Do-It-Yourself system, this game is very interesting.
Also, 60fps for all the computers!!!!!
And you dont need to buy any DLCs cause they are all included in the game already!
Commend this.
Don't Ask, Just Buy.
Steam User 8
M.S. 的故事以自称为“绝对神”的 Chou-Chou(读作“咻咻”)征服七大世界并找回自己的记忆与自我为主线,整个游戏流程就是 Chou-Chou 寻找征服世界、收服各个世界的魔王与勇者的过程。通过这一个目标,来引出各色人等以及各种各样的事件。
虽然是自称“绝对神”并以征服世界为目标,但是……但是……游戏开场直接甩你一脸演唱会的实况 3D 动画我是没料到啊,然后从演唱会结束转进到世界征服这个我是真的没料到啊。而且之后演唱会、偶像这个梗就再也没用过了,你们是不是真的想隐性地婊一下某些唱歌就能解决世界问题的动画啊。
啊……是的,萌杀。Chou-Chou 作为绝对神具有包括本体在内的八种人格,以自我(Ego)、施虐狂(Sadist,即抖 S)、狂躁(Bipolar,实为傲娇)、没头脑(Ditz,也就是天然呆)、简短(Terse,是为冷感三无)、亢奋(Hyper,所谓元气)、优雅(Graceful,大和抚子一般)、受虐狂(Masochist,意即抖 M,抑或弱气)分别冠名。在针对抱有不同情绪的对象时,采用不同的态度加以对待的话,就能够使对方产生“啊请让我成为你的仆人吧!”这样的情绪,从而使对方屈服,甚至将其变成 Shampurus。
这就引出了本作的特色系统——萌杀系统(Moe Kill),无论是剧情里的魔王勇者,还是遇到的怪物,甚至是要征服的世界本身(至于为什么征服世界是通过分布在这个世界中的十个带有人格的特异点来进行的大家就不要深究了)。……
啊算了,剧情这种东西只是用来串联玩家下一步行动与各色 NPC 的道具,具体什么内容你看着开心就好啦。
Chou-Chou 不同人格的声优各不相同,主人格是众所周知的田村大魔王,其他人格的声优虽然不是特别大牌但也都为不同的性格提供了感情充沛的语音,闲来无事切换到新的人格听一下她们带来的不一样的体验也是不错的选择。这里我会推荐抖 S(Sadist)和天然呆(Ditz)这两个人格,特别是 Ditz 的准备攻击的时候那段“噗嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻”的笑声真的是余音绕梁三日令人念念不忘……
M.S. 尽管作为一款单机游戏,但是却深切地解释了“花钱就能变强”的道理。在其发售的 DLC 中,起附加的内容并非是扩展的剧情,而是武器、服饰和货币这些能让你在游戏中更加放肆的“付费道具”。
不想刷钱?来一份 Points Fever Bundle(狂热点数捆绑包)吧,……P.F.B. 三个捆绑包下来你将拥有 1750565000G(17.5亿)和 1750000000(17.5亿)Mugen Souls。这些全都是开场一次性到账哦。
觉得开场太弱?来份 Dreamy Weapons Bundle(梦幻武器捆绑包)和 Devil Weapons Bundle(邪恶武器捆绑包)吧,……
喜欢海王星?对妹子装扮有要求?来来我们这有两套 Mega Costume Bundle(超级服饰捆绑包),海王星的主角们的装束、发型全都囊括哦。
觉得解锁语音/CG 的道路太过漫长?觉得一个个开角色装束槽太慢?觉得打装束的道路太无聊?没关系我们还有 Ultimate Unlock Bundle(终极解锁捆绑包),直接解锁所有语音、所有 CG、所有角色可装扮部位、所有可购买的角色装束。
基本的攻击、防御素质姑且不谈,游戏中有很多需要靠刷 Mugen Points 来解锁开放的部分,……。当然这些解锁并非有钱就行,还是要求你老老实实打完 Mugen Field(无限领域)。但是你没钱的话,要反复打的次数就会直线提升。
除了 Mugen Field 里的角色素质提高,外部武器和防具也有刷级。首先武器有从 I 到 S 的 Grade(品质),其次武器还有等级。另外还记得刚才提到的技能等级有上限吗?武器也有,这是靠品质来突破的。还没完,每把武器在品质升上去后最大能开启四个附加属性槽,附加属性槽可以装备用来提升武器素质或者使用者素质的材料(Matter)。……
另一方面,这个游戏的另一大特征就是几无上限的面板数据,给玩家造成的刺激感也非常巨大。角色等级上限 9999,而攻击力、防御力、智力等面板数据则没有上限,而且可以通过服装或武器加成、道具加成来不断叠高。以我最后玩出的数据为例,主角 Lv.9999 时搭配所有升级好的装备后拥有的 HP 与 SP 以千万计,……。如此一来造成的结果是,玩家能产生的伤害也大得骇人,最大数值能达数百亿之谱。
而且这些数值不是你主角要用,你的同伴,你捏出来的仆人也要用,他们也要不断积累经验攒 Mugen Points 开技能槽突破等级上限。捏出来的仆人姑且不谈,如果要把你在游戏中七个世界所能招揽来的各个世界的魔王勇者这些队友(12 人)全部升级到满级 ……,可能三个 Points Fever Bundle(狂热点数捆绑包)给你的那些都不够用呢。
坦白说,如果你对 CE 这种东西并不是很抗拒的话,你完全可以省下买 Points Fever Bundle 的钱……只有我这种看到 DLC 那儿不绿得一家子齐齐整整就不舒服的凯子玩家才会坚持一定要全部买下来。
但相对的,我会推荐你直接买下 Ultimate Unlock Bundle,因为直接解锁全语音和全图档内容看着听着也都舒服。而且解锁装束和装扮部位也方便你自定义。至于武器包和换装包就看你个人的意愿了。
尽管原作是 PS3 首发,移植到 PC 端。但 M.S. 内对键鼠的优化还是相当良心的,不仅各项操作都有对应的按键图标显现,而且还都是替换成键盘按钮而不会像其他游戏一样还停留在手柄按钮的样式。所以操作起来非常顺手,不会有太大难度。
好了,我们《Mugen Souls Z》再见吧。(吃一把土)
Steam User 14
Mugen Souls
《压倒性的游戏:无限灵魂》是Idea Factory开发,Ghostlight LTD发行的一款3D的RPG移植游戏,在游戏中将扮演自称是绝对神的神秘少女为了将闪耀七彩色泽的七耀界收为己有并将其作为下仆而展开冒险。
总体来说Mugen Souls还是不错的,您也可以尝试一下Mugen Souls Z都会给你们带来不一样的乐趣体验。评分7/10.
——来自 游人侃鉴赏家的牵线游戏评测,欢迎 关注 和 加入 我们
Steam User 4
Steam User 4
田村大魔王和早见纱织主役,各种过场中Q版模型走路略生硬,就可以看出成本很有限,加之主要的moe kill(萌杀…)系统cut in,感觉本身一开始定位就是个CV(zhai)向的游戏,所以如果不是特殊爱好就先去把语音调了。连锁攻击各种脑洞,还能不能好好攻击了,释放过程中请勿喝水。剧情与其说俗套不如说都是各种梗,见仁见智。因为没打过ps3原版,对高清了多少优化了多少没有概念,但从体验上来讲…一般般还好吧,但是卡墙角视角各种跟随视角太低总见胖次没问题么…
Steam User 1
另外剧情玩到现在感觉mugen souls是三作里最轻松愉悦的,适合排解压力。
Steam User 3
《无限灵魂 (Mugen Souls )》是一款由Idea Factory制作, Ghostlight LTD发行的角色扮演类RPG游戏。游戏的主角是一位非常萌的偶像咻咻(chou-chou),讲述了和小伙伴们一起征服世界的故事,并且在征服世界的途中找回自己记忆,于是游戏也就以这样的目标作为主线开启了各种各样欢乐的故事。
游戏的玩法除了正常的RPG玩法之外,还添加了萌杀操作(Moe kill)这种十分新奇的系统(难道这就是偶像专属bug技能),玩家可以根据怪的此时此景的情绪,然后通过自己的情绪的组合来将怪物打败(游戏中表现为变成兔子),这个操作可以说是秒杀,很不讲道理,怪就这样的拜倒在我的石榴裙之下了!!!然后就是游戏中有着很多的连协技能,也就是和队友一起行动然后攻击怪物,最重要的是,连协技能有着十分丰富的表现形式,而且还都十分的搞笑,比如把队友当成炮弹,用弹弓打出去击中怪物,亦或是俩人从天而降,一起攻击怪物,游戏对于这些场景的设计可谓是煞费苦心,然后就是人物技能的多样化,并且不同的技能有着不同的效果,你可以使用技能攻击怪物,然后有些技能还有类似于击退等特性,利用这些既可以保持和怪物之间的距离,还可以对更多的怪物造成二次伤害,这些操作都是为了使自己保持优势所不可或缺的,然后除了玩法之外,游戏对于剧情的剧本设计也是非常的搞笑,在刺激的战斗之间穿插搞笑的剧情的演绎,给玩家又带来了更加的轻松舒适的享受。对了,游戏本身就自带了一堆子的DLC,在玩家进入游戏刚开始,就会给你进行一堆子的显示,这样充分的服务,我只能说地雷社你是真的棒!
欢迎参观我的: 真实评测