MotoGP 19
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Challenge your friends, create your custom events and become Race Director thanks to the most complete multiplayer experience ever, supported by dedicated servers! Relive the most exciting rivalries that made the history of the MotoGP in a dedicated mode! Compete with a faster, smarter and more accurate AI based on machine learning! Create your style by choosing from the widest selection of accessories and brands ever and have fun with new graphic editors!
Steam User 10
The best MotoGP by MILESTONE of the entire series!!! Better than MotoGP20, 21, 22, 23 and 24!!! MotoGP19 is still KING in 2024!!! Good graphics, Excelent playability, and the most complete overall. Dont get fooled with other versions of the game.
Content: 5* (A lot more than in recent titles)
Graphics: 5*
Bike Control: 5*
Playability: 5*
AI: 5*
Online Lobbys in 2024: Still active with a lot of players. If you dont see any, create one, and in no time you get someone to play with you. Theres still a lot of players around playing the game.
If you´re looking around to get a MotoGP tittle, make yourself and your wallet a favor and get this one, surely you wont regret!
MotoGP19 is the GOAT !!!
Steam User 1
Somebody give this a green checkmark for steamdeck because it’s running flawlessly. The frames drop a little if settings are set on ultra while half the field is right in front of you so I dropped them down to high and it stays at 60fps. The 4.4 hours at the time of this review was basically one session. It’s easy for me to get lost qualifying just trying to shave another fraction of an second off a lap time. There’s already plenty of reviews explaining what this game is. Great buy for $2.99
Steam User 0
Absolutely worth it. i bought it on sale for like 5 bucks.
one of the best motogp games Career and the rest is awesome game really well optimized.
worth every penny
Steam User 2
With MotoGP 19, Milestones keeps up the good work. The AI has improved, and it turns MotoGP 19 into a more challenging and realistic game.
Steam User 2
I hate it for the same reason I'll give it a positive score. Its challenging asf. This isn't a game where you can just casually flick the bike around. Every line, every braking point, every roll on the gas has to be intentional. My first lap i crashed like 12 times trying to understand the braking/turning points. Once you figure it out you have to rinse and repeat for each track. If you like Moto GP and hard racing games, pick it up. If you want a fun bike racing game where you can flick the bike around this isn't the game for you.
Steam User 0
MotoGP 19 --> Huge improvement over previous MotoGP series
- Neural AI, no more racing line train like riders that push you aggressively out. They are smart and it feels fresh and lively to race with them.
- Physics are more realistic than before, you have to be more careful about your braking point otherwise you go down.
- Dedicated Servers for first time in this series.
- Graphics are good thanks to Unreal Engine 4. Bikes get as photo realistic as possible.
- Historical challenges and if you want more then there is a 1992 season Historical DLC pack.
- As always photo and replay mode are just awesome.
- Graphical editor to create your favourite designs.
Overall it's a great improvement over past MotoGP series in every way possible. Milestone did a great job by adding new positive things in it.
Steam User 0
After several hours with the game I change my mind to the positive side. However, some points are always in the negative side. For example: No more Instant Races and you are restricted to Keyboard and Xbox as default. If you want to utilise for example a Joystick, you must installed x360ce(Xbox emulator),learn to use this programme, set a number of parameters(all in 64 bits for example in games Tab)and remember to activate always this one(installed out of the folder game)before start MotoGp19. Be prepared also for different keys. This two points, Instant Race and no support for controllers are the first of some setbacks with MotoGp19. Transition from MotoGp15 is not a easy and far o be straight forward.
You come from GP15 with fast reactions and precise manouvers to GP19 with slow reactions, like elastic rubber, high turn radios, restricted inclination of the motorcycle in turns, always in the limit of the loss of control and fall. Already, with GP19 fall is a "privilege" reserved to the player. AI run like over rails and in my all hours with the game, I see very few AI falling, also after colissions. The AI, ayayay... I dont know if this one is the worst of all MotoGP, but certainly is not far of there. In the begin of your career you are seriously handicaped with a motorcycle underpowered and very restricted perfomances. That is not new with the MotoGps but the Gp19 take this to the extreme. You are always the last. Also with a good clasification, all the others 29 bikes pass you like if you a drive a Mopped. In some circuits like Austin, maybe you recover some position in the serie of turns, but be prepared to loss all this gains in the long straight. The AI is a lot more fast of you, 20-30 kph more. In Termas of Rio Hondo with all this straights, be prepared to be the last. OK, is mechanics of the game, but must be applied for everybody, not only for the human player. Also, AI is agressive and because he run over rails and dont have a risk of fall you pay always the consequences.
My advise: set short races, 4 or 5 laps to gain some points to improve the pathetic perfomances of your motorcycle. More laps and more increase the risk of loss positions and deterioraded the situation. With improved perfomances, can be changed to more long races.
The points for improve the perfomances are only gained arriving by the first 15s arrivals. No with good good results in qualifications, test, or others.
Gain points and if the first improvements cost are acceptable, then that cost al lot more.
Also, with a improved motorcycle, and if you have Unreal 4 engine crashes(Fatal error), reduced high risk of a game crash and dont set races with many laps. Your risk of loss all if a crash take place.
Already, by the technical aspect, the game had some problems, mainly by the side of the Unreal 4 engine .With my first three hours with the game, I have 3 fatal errors crashes , al related to the Ue4. Be prepared to use Alt/F4 or Alt/Crtl/Delete.
The Unreal Engine 4 is a temperamental engine, very strict with the operative conditions. A small thing and that crash the game.
I have finded a improvement( I hope)with: Disable full screen optimisation(By the launcher), Resolution 1920 x 1080 and very important: Windowed mode, Steam launch option with -Dx12, Windows Settings display; 100 %(Recomended) and adittionaly, clean register of Windows and check integrity of games files.
With this parameters my game dont crash for two complete rounds, so 1.30 hour of playing.
The old MotoGp14 with all this problems had never crashed in my system.
Resuming: Good game with some weaks points and recomended but with some reserves.