Mortal Kombat 11
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Continue the epic saga through a new cinematic story that is more than 25 years in the making. Players will take on the role of a variety of past and present characters in a time-bending new narrative that pits Raiden against Kronika, the Keeper of Time who created existence at the dawn of history.
Chief 0
So, eventually the game was released for Nintendo Switch, so I decided to give it a try. It is actually pretty solid in many ways - story line is an action movie itself, but besides that you can find yourself quite entertained collecting visuals for the characters while exploring krypt.
Also the tutorial is pretty good, I never knew how to play this fighting game like a pro, but after practicing this tutorial you can actually compete online and enjoy playing against stronger opponents, even if you loose.
Devs also brought some afk gameplay into the game, so you can choose your characters behavior, abilities and appearance and just watch AI battles, while still getting resources and rewards.
As for the Switch version specifically, of course the graphics are lowered, but the FPS are quite stable and fine. I personally enjoy the possibility to play AAA games with a pocket device here and there.
Steam User 3
Najlepsza gra w jaką grałem! co prawda mam słaby komputer i gra wygląda jak mortal kombat 9 ale ta gra jest niesamowita opcje wymiana skinow i wyposazenia w dodatku customowe set-upy zdolnosci do kazdej postaci i tez duzy wybor postaci. podsumowanie Bardzo dobra gra! pozdrawiam
Steam User 2
Jak dla mnie najlepsza jak dotąd odsłona,tysiące przedmiotów i skinów do zdobycia,co przedłuża żywotność gry chęcią farmienia tego wszystkiego.Dużo postaci do wyboru plus postacie z dlc,ciekawe i fajne.Dodam tylko że w nową jedynkę jeszcze nie grałem,tylko kiedyś w starą wersję na amidze.
Steam User 1
Gra jest świetna dla osób które lubią oglądać cut scenki przez 2 godziny a walczyć przez MAX 2 minuty
Steam User 1
Bardzo świetna gra aczkolwiek moim zdaniem mój dziadek ma lepszy movement.
Steam User 1
A game for people who believe in the mysticism behind the masochism of perfect key and button combinations. Holy books can be found in the tutorial, especially in the most arcane advanced combo chapter. Its ultimate completion will likely require tens of thousands of repetitions and the grace of the gods of luck. Only a few will reach their destination after many years. It takes sacrifice. It's probably worth it though, because once you complete it, you'll be rewarded with an achievement above all other achievements that you can put at the center of your profile so you can bask in the glory of this pointless ordeal every day.
Steam User 0
Just a heads up, tho its a positive review im not saying its great, the game is great! but has lots of ups and lots of downs...
+Low requirements (im running i7-2600 and gtx 1070 and can pull +/- 60fps with some hiccups on max graphics)
+Combos, advanced combat, and special moves are easy to lern but hard to master
+The enviorments, and interaction with them is stunning! creative and realy dynamic
-The Cinematics Run in 60fps but (for some reason i dont understand) the gameplay parts are LOCKED onto 30fps
-The gruesome fatalities and special moves dont leave permanent marks on the characters (its a bit of a picky flaw but cmon, youre literaly stabbing a man in his chest, snapping his neck and burning his face to a crisp yet all all he gets from this is a blood splatter on his torso/limbs)
-the game is very unstable (at least for me)crashes frequently, drops frames mostly before fatal moves/ interacting with arena, lags when selecting a character/arena
-(this again may be cuz of my potato pc but i googled it and this happens to many more people) when launching the game for the first time i encountered lots of issues, missing resource errors, directX12 not downloading, the game not launching etc.
Conclusion: The game is great! but just the GAME-part of the game, its unstable, has issues with frames, and many more strange buggs and errors... but if you ignore that/have a better pc you can expirience gruesome fatalities, nice and challanging combat, MANY diffrent characters, each having diffrent combos, moves, strategies and loudouts making them unique in their own way. I highly recomand it if you have a mid-tier pc for todays standards, if something lower then that? not so mutch :/
(BTW the review is based up on my pc and game settings, gtx 1070 i7-2600 and runnig the games at max settings, the countless viruses, and pretty old parts may have affected it, but hey, thats just a theory... A GAME THEORY! thx for reading!)
Steam User 0
good guest characters and characters
good fighting
good fatalities
good brutalities
game good