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METAL GEAR SURVIVE is a spin off from the main METAL GEAR SOLID V story that takes place in a strange alternative universe. Create your own character and learn to survive. Scavenge resources, craft weapons, build a base camp and explore the unknown while developing the survival skills necessary in this hostile environment. In CO-OP mode, assemble a team of four players to infiltrate and defend areas from hordes of creatures. Place fortifications and defensive weapons strategically to give you an advantage against ever intensifying enemies. Team work and resourcefulness are key in these fast paced co-op missions.
Steam User 16
This is a complicated game to review. It is first a survival horror game with some base building and management. Second this game is a metal gear title. on the first point it is pretty fun and utilizes the metal gear stealth system as well as can be expected in a zombie title. on the second front it feels forced but it also feels expected at this point. i enjoy the game but it isn't metal gear. get it on sale.
Steam User 12
This game isn't as terrible as the community said, but I can see how the community reacts poorly to this game. Story wise, it's pretty bland and vague, you can complete the game in just a few days, it's totally different from all metal gear games, rather just base building zombie game, but it has a few metal gear functions, but overall, just grind and survive, that's all.
Steam User 7
It's a pretty fun arcady extract shooter with base management mechanics. Could use a lot of QoL improvements.
This isn't a Metal Gear game but it's a fun spin-off. It lacks a lot of charm and personality but at least there's good fashion.
It's pretty fun if you can tolerate some slop and forget all the Kojima/Konami drama, just skip the cutscenes tho it's pretty cringe, they tried way too hard to replicate Kojima's camera work.
Steam User 8
this game would be a lot better if wasn't called "Metal Gear Survive".
Decent for this type of game, but once the story ends its pretty much dead. It sucks because this engine is pretty much going to die limp and cold in the hands of Konami. Shit will feel repetitive quickly, and don't expect any Kojima type story telling, but there is something in here that feels good.
RIP Survive
Steam User 9
It's a decent game with a random story. In general alright for a zombie survival-like game that has kept me busy for a couple of hours atleast.
Steam User 15
most MGS fans act like this game kicked their dog and shot their parents in front of them, does it have its problems? yes. but for a non-kojima spin off title? its pretty good.
Steam User 13
A game ahead of its time. This doesn't really follow the survival game mold. Think of this as a coop or single player extraction shooter. Go in, get loot, extract, upgrade base. If this was released today without the metal gear license I think it would be popular since people are clamoring for a single player pve extraction shooter