Konami Digital Entertainment continues forth the ‘METAL GEAR SOLID V Experience’ with the latest chapter, METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions. Nine years after the events of MGSV: GROUND ZEROES and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakens from a nine year coma. The year is 1984. The Cold War serves as the backdrop as nuclear weapons continue to shape a global crisis. The METAL GEAR SOLID team continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design.
Steam User 263
Great game. It's so cool that Kojima included the song "Invisible" by Duran Duran in this game six years before it even came out. Bravo, Hideo.
Steam User 277
I'm afraid it's been... 9 years.
9 years to this day, this game released, and it's still one of the best games I've ever put my hands on. I know a lot of people will tell you this game is unfinished, and it does feel like that sometimes, but what is here isn't short of amazing. The stealth, the combat, the mechanics are just too good. KJP brought out their A-game when making this. Had they been greenlit the budget they asked for, who knows? Maybe we could have gotten more. 9 years later we're still hoping for more. 9 years later we're still wondering if there would be new content. The Phantom Pain lingers on.
Anyways, enough reminiscing about that. If you're a fan of stealth imm-sims, like the Dishonored and Thief series, you'll find a lot to love in MGSV—no, you'll find a lot to love about the entirety of the series.
I'm only a 100+ hours in, 43% completion, got to S-rank most missions already. I'm still farming for more resources before continuing the main story, but I am loving every second I spend in this game.
Do yourself a favor: buy the Definitive Experience when it goes on sale, or commit crime—whatever. Experience the game for yourself. I am not giving you a choice.
Steam User 215
Walking by the wall
The shadows will not fall
Is silently ignored
Discouraged by the noise
Living without choice
Is a life without a voice
When you can't even say my name
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Go and call my name
I can't play this game, so I ask again
Will you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Or have I become invisible?
Steam User 176
In the first hours of gameplay I found a tape, turned it on, listened to some guy furiously take a massive shit, Kojima is a genius 12/10.
Steam User 240
You can remove Hideo's name out of the TPP's Store page Konami, You can port the entire franchise in your name, Konami.
But we all know the fact that Metal Gear is: directed by Hideo Kojima!
Steam User 93
I have over 450 hours so here are some tips for this game
1. Gameplay-wise. It's fun
2. For story comprehension, it's better to listen to MGSV video essays on youtube while doing something else
3. 100% Achievement hunting is not worth it for this game. It has obsessive Kojima detail grindings
4. Don't believe the Kojimadickriders, he has his flaws too like everyone else. Don't get mad when you can't climb some climbable cliffs, can't headshot people from the side and fultoning people on rooftops alerts the whole building (you will get what i mean), maybe this game was incomplete, or maybe not. we can go on about it all day
V. has come to.
Once you finish playing this game, you will have a phantom pain hoping there is a game out there remotely as close to this. But you know that's very unlikely. That is our phantom painis weakness not leaving the body
Steam User 116
And no one hears a word they say,
has the memory gone are you feeling numb,
not a word they say,
but a voiceless crowd isn't backing down,
when the air turns red,
With their loaded hesitation,
can you say my name,
has the memory gone are you feeling numb,
have we all become invisible