Marvel’s Avengers
Assemble your team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, embrace your powers, and live your Super Hero dreams. Marvel’s Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay*. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend the Earth from escalating threats. Marvel’s Avengers begins at A-Day, where Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow, and Thor are unveiling a new, hi-tech Avengers Headquarters in San Francisco. The celebration turns deadly when a mysterious enemy causes a catastrophic accident which results in massive devastation. Blamed for the tragedy, the Avengers disband. Five years later, with all Super Heroes outlawed and the world in peril, a sprawling adventure ignites when a determined young woman named Kamala Khan sets out to reassemble and rebuild the Avengers to stop the unchecked power of the secretive new force known as AIM. Marvel’s Avengers continues the epic journey with new Heroes and new narrative delivered on an ongoing basis, for the definitive Avengers gaming experience.
Steam User 25
This game deserved so much hate when it first launched.
Now that support for the game ended and the live service model is gone i view this game a lot more positively. The grind is gone, the micro transactions are gone, everything i hated about this game is gone.
Whats left is a Marvel game with a decent story with fun game-play. All the expansions are unlocked, all the heroes are unlocked. Admittedly the missions are repetitive, but its fun enough to just hop into a few missions and smash everything as Hulk or Thor.
Had the game launched like its current state it wouldn't have had nearly as much drama.
Steam User 23
Its a good game, not perfect but good, sadly they pulled the plug. It deserved better honestly and its a shame that game didnt got more love from the developers.
Steam User 15
70 hours
I mean I liked it. It's a shame it got delisted etc. but it's still fully playable. Just can't seem to find anyone to play quick match with unfortunately.
-1 because no Spiderman.
Steam User 13
I don't know many people saying this is a flop but honestly i find it really amazing. I really loved the combat in this game really enjoyed it. If you are a Superhero fan especially Marvel, this is a game for you. Now that the game developers has made every cosmetics emotes etc free you can try this game atleast once.
Steam User 10
Its most Fun i have had for £4.59 in very long time. Its cool game to switch brain off and just smash things.
Its great shame that this was Fumbled so hard. There is inkling of Cool game there. Now with everything being available, and " free" its strong recommend from me.
Steam User 13
I impulsively bought this game a little before it went unavailable, My PC couldn't even run it, some months later here I am after some upgrades to my hardware, tested this game for around an hour or so and I gotta say, I expected way less, It surely isn't the best thing in the world, but It's not as bad as people say it is, it's still pretty fun...
Steam User 9
I never would have bothered unlocking all the costumes, but having them available from the start was pretty nice. Though, the game would override my choice at times when I got a new one which was annoying. Also, thank goodness for permanent 50% extra xp.
I sped through the campaign which was pretty fun, it was nice going through different characters at certain times. Ms. Marvel and the Hulk were my go-to. Playing solo was easy. AIM was a great enemy. Plenty of XXY action for my controller. I finished my last two grinds at about the same time so I really didn't need to level up more than I needed.