Madden NFL 21
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《Madden NFL 21》超级巨星版
《Madden NFL 21》超级巨星版内含 Madden Ultimate Team 中的 Lamar Jackson、Patrick Mahomes 和 Shaun Alexander。
《Madden NFL 21》内含:
- 球队门面:扬名立万
- 全新游戏机制
- The Yard — 全新的后院橄榄球模式。
关于游戏在《Madden NFL 21》中扬名立万。
《Madden NFL 21》带来了新的功能和模式,包括:
- 球队门面:扬名立万——超越NFL历史,塑造自己的伟大之路——在《Madden NFL 21》中打出名望,成就不朽传奇。
- 掌控局面——熟练运用创新的跑位强化和实时战术剧本,在游戏中疯狂刷分。
- X因素2.0——新的X因素技能由实验室全新推出,用于提升新一代球星的实力。
Steam User 27
Steam User 8
橄榄球还是很有意思的运动,可惜 EASM,垃圾服务器,而且没有汉化,想入的要考虑一下被服务器喂shit的忍耐能力。
Steam User 3
优点什么都没问题 缺点就是没有英文让我这个文盲看不懂
Steam User 0
Fun if you like horrible graphics, Terrible physics and complete pay to win. other than that fun game. If you have just about 20 to 25 hours you can complete the franchise face it is a very good beginner start. Or if you are a hardcore player it also ha higher difficulties. Defense is okay buy offense is pretty fun. I used to play madden 18 and their is almost no change even though in 5 or 6 years you would think the graphics would be better.
Steam User 0
A very good game, just a little bit hard to play on PC.I hope the producer can include QB's view in later versions. Routes and strategies are hard for outsiders to understand. The game is developed brilliantly and indeed it is very cool. Super!
Steam User 0
Steam User 5