The next evolution in this new golden age of JRPG’s arrives with LOST SPHEAR, bringing a fresh take on classic RPG gameplay! A young man, who suffered a phenomenon that he had never seen, faces an ominous power that threatens the fabric of reality. Awaken the power of Memory to restore what was lost! Muster different Memory and craft the world around you in a journey to save the world. The adventure of LOST SPHEAR begins in a remote town of Elgarthe where a young boy, Kanata, awakens from a devastating dream to find his hometown disappearing. KEY FEATURES: Unique and powerfully unforgettable storyline with seamless gameplay Enhanced Battle System with new ATB 2.0 offering more freedom in combat Vulcosuits Armour – equip your characters to gain enhanced abilities in battle or on the field Moonlight Battleground mode – Exciting colosseum to fight previously fought and new bosses
Steam User 7
Finally completed Lost Sphear: I thought of sharing some thoughts over this overlooked gem (and for some reason, was a flop when it was released), and was considered a poor follow up to the developer's previous title: I am Setsuna. Is it though? Here are my thoughts:
My overall rating and quick notes.
*I am Setsuna - 7.8/10, Better presentation, art and game design.
Lost Sphear - 7.5/10, 'Much' better story.
Music rating (because its important to all jrpgs)
*I am Setsuna music - 9.5/ 10
Lost Sphear music - 8.5/ 10
Money's worth.
I am Setsuna - 43 hrs runtime (story feels like 40% of this)
*Lost Sphear - 95 hrs runtime (story feels like 85% of this)
In short, I recommend Lost Sphear to all JRPG fans and those who have played I am Setsuna. Both are worth your time if you are into JRPGs.
Up next: Oninaki!
Steam User 1
A Great Homage to the PS1 Classics!
I completed this game on the PS4 when it first came out and I really loved it then and still do today!
This is an RPG in the style of the PS1 classics ala FFVII-IX, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, etc. Although not as good as said games (which is fine and an unrealistic expectation) it is a superb homage to such games.
Turn-based battles, World map, towns, dungeons, evolving world map travel (on-foot to Ship, etc) - all the classic PS1 RPG hallmarks are here. The game's battle system is most akin to that of Chrono Trigger's, ironically a SNES game, in which you can see the enemies on the map and you engage in a turn-based battle that is semi-active (or full active if you prefer) once you approach them.
Battles can be quite customisable, considering the game's unique take on equipable Gear. One such example is Spritnites - these allow for new Character abilities, passive skills or to even customise an ability with a sub-spritnite, for example allowing you to recover HP when you use said ability.
The battles also feature something called "Momentum Strikes" which allow you to build up a second meter by either waiting or attacking/taking damage, once full, your character can attack or use an ability with extra "oomph" by pressing the action button at the right time, just before you execute it.
The story is very on trend with it's homage. It follows old-school tropes and cliches, but you are more than likely going to play this game for the full homage/nostalgia, so would you want it any other way?
The game will take you around 40 hours to finish, even with a few side activities here and there. A more than decent run time.
Tokyo RPG Factory, the developers of this title, also made I am Setsuna which is a very similar game and arguably the better of the two games and I would urge all who are interested or enjoyed this game to seek that one too as, in my opinion, it has the better story and more focused experience...and some beautiful music!
Tl;dr - If you enjoyed those classic RPGs from the PS1 era, you will love this game. It's a great homage to them and feels like it came straight from that era, but with some nice modern day conveniences.
Steam User 3
It wants to be Chrono Trigger. It isn't, but it gets close enough for a recommendation.