Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch

  • Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch Screenshot 1
  • Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch Screenshot 3
  • Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch Screenshot 5

لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.

A clash of steel. A flash of blood. Darkness.

On the edge of death, she comes to you: the Witch of the Crossroads. Your memories are hazy. But her offer is crystal clear.

Now, cast back into the land of the living, it’s up to you travel the shores of a mysterious island, scouring the armies of the dead and those who command them. No matter how many tries it takes.

But you’re not alone. Recruit allies, grow your skills, and wage war across diverse battlefield environments. Along the way, you’ll collect the scattered memories of a life you’ve forgotten… and the brother you came here searching for.

Crunchy Grid Combat that’s Better than Ever

Wield every tool at your disposal to conquer challenging combat encounters. Face off against giant monsters, stubborn undead, and imperial zealots — then grind them into the dirt, with powerful skills and exciting weapons.

Customize Your Build

Tackle challenges your way, with 9 characters, over 200 unique skills, upgradeable equipment, and 30+ game-changing Artifacts. Discover exciting synergies and maximize your ability to lay down the hurt.

A Tale of Lost Souls

As you venture across the island, you’ll meet allies who have washed up there as well. Grow your bonds, learn their stories, and help them regain the things they’ve lost.

Pierce the Veil

Death is only the beginning. Each time you fall in battle, you’ll return to your base camp and rise again stronger. Promote your characters’ classes and skills, exchange the souls of slain foes for battlefield blessings, and try, try again.

ترويج مقابل 50G
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